UNHCR Government Partners


UNHCR provides refugees, forcibly displaced & stateless people with protection, assistance & solutions, for which it relies on support from its donor partners.🌍

Iscritto a dicembre 2017


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  1. 11 ore fa

    There are currently 2.6 M refugees & asylum seekers from South Sudan, which is enough to fill Kazan Arena in Russia 60 times. UNHCR provides protection & life-saving assistance to South Sudanese refuges, yet more support is needed to fill the current funding gap of USD 742.7 M.

  2. 20 giu

    A person's dignity does not depend on them being a citizen, a migrant, or a refugee. Saving the life of someone fleeing war and poverty is an act of humanity.

  3. 15 ore fa

    The share of flexible funding (unearmarked & softly earmarked) decreased from 52% in 2012 to 35% in 2017. This meant that about two thirds of UNHCR’s income in 2017 was earmarked at the country level and below. Read more in the 2017 Global Report:

  4. 21 giu

    The youngest players at the World Cup are 19 years old - the average age is 27. But 52% of the worldwide refugee population is made up of children below 18 years old. Thanks donors for supporting UNHCR’s work to protect the forcibly displaced, incl. through access to education.

  5. 20 giu

    Sweden 🇸🇪 pledges record high unrestricted SEK 3,5 billion over 4 yrs to strengthen UNHCR's capacity to provide life-saving support to people forced to flee their homes & refugee hosting communities. 👉

    Mostra questa discussione
  6. 21 giu

    16.2 million people were newly displaced in 2017. That means tens of thousands fleeing for their lives. Read our new Global Trends report:

  7. 21 giu

    For the past seven years, France has ranked among top 20 government donors and top 10 donors of funding, providing high-quality predictable contributions totalling $234 million since 2012! Thank you France 🇫🇷

  8. 20 giu
  9. 20 giu
  10. 20 giu

    On we remember that protecting people fleeing persecution, violence and war is a basic act of humanity shared by all cultures and enshrined in international law.

  11. 19 giu

    “It's not about numbers. It's about people.” - UN Filippo Grandi in Libya. 🌊

  12. 19 giu

    By the end of 2017, there were some 71.4 M people of concern to UNHCR around the world—asylum-seekers, refugees, returnees, the internally displaced & stateless. To safeguard the rights and well-being of our people of concern, UNHCR is present in 478 locations.

  13. 19 giu

    The Global Report presents the work carried out by UNHCR to protect and improve the lives of tens of millions of refugees, internally displaced people, returnees, stateless persons and others of concern. The 2017 UNHCR Global Report is now available on

  14. 19 giu

    More people than ever are uprooted from their homes by war and violence. More than ever, solidarity is needed to offer them refuge and hope.

  15. 29 mag

    Hiring refugees works. Just ask CEO Adam Neumann. In the next 5 years, he's going to hire 1,500 refugees around the 🌍. More from :

  16. 11 giu

    ! 🇸🇪 for a productive 2018 annual bilateral consultation. Sweden is UNHCR’s largest donor of unearmarked funding, a crucial strategic partner and a strong supporter of UNHCR’s protection work. Tack Sverige!

  17. 7 giu

    Speaking at the World of Work Summit on the centrality of employment and decent work in ensuring livelihoods, dignity, a sense of identity and hope for solutions to millions of refugees and displaced people.

  18. 1 giu

    This week I have been in the UK meeting with government officials & donors to mobilize resources for humanitarian assistance for the situation. Funding for the South Sudan situation has stagnated at 8% for the last two months.

  19. 7 giu

    In the 8th year of Syria’s conflict, Syrian refugees need our help more than ever to ensure they can cover their basic needs, including healthcare and cash. Thank you to Ireland 🇮🇪 for its generous contribution to

  20. 7 giu

    Thanks to the Central Emergency Response Fund for the allocation of USD 4.6 million for the Venezuelan refugee & migration situation. Invaluable support for & ! The allocation will enable life-saving support for tens of thousands of vulnerable Venezuelans.


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