UNHCR Indonesia


The official account of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Indonesia. Keep up to date with refugee news in the archipelago.

Iscritto a ottobre 2016


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  1. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    1 in 110 has left behind friends. 1 in 110 has made the decision of whether they had time to grab photo albums. 1 in 110 has had their world turned upside-down. 1 in 110 has faced the unthinkable. 1 in 110 has been forced to flee their home.

  2. 21 giu

    Tebak, manakah dari gambar ini yang merupakan pengungsi? Para pengungsi sama dengan kita semua.

  3. 20 giu

    Today, on , in solidarity with refugees and the communities that host them, UNHCR expresses its gratitude to the Indonesian Government, partners, and local communities for welcoming and assisting refugees in the country.

  4. 20 giu

    Today, is World Refugee Day. Let's stand hand in hand

  5. 19 giu

    UNHCR partners and collaborate to organize parenting classes for refugee parents in Jakarta. The sessions share effective ways to educate and raise children.

  6. 19 giu

    Utusan khusus UNHCR Angeline Jolie berkunjung ke Mosul Barat di Irak.

  7. ha ritwittato
    17 giu

    Do you have a question for ? Post your questions in this event and a selection will be answered during our Facebook Live

  8. ha ritwittato
    17 giu

    "The only answer is to end the conflicts that are forcing people to flee their homes - and for all governments to meet their responsibilities." - UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie, at Domiz refugee camp in Iraq.

  9. 14 giu

    is happy to convey warmest wishes to all for whom the fasting month has ended and who are coming together to celebrate. Let us also remember those who celebrate just briefly as they cope with the hardships of conflict and forced displacement.

  10. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Bangladesh: Torrential rains and 70kph winds caused at least 89 reported incidents, including 37 landslides, several injuries and one confirmed fatality - of a child

  11. 13 giu

    Young refugees embrace Indonesian culture by creating batik designs in a series of batik workshops initiated by batik enthusiast Ibu Icus. Photo courtesy of

  12. 11 giu

    Nour, 6, dan Bassem, 4, hidup dengan kakek dan nenek mereka di sebuah tempat hunian pengungsi di Lebanon. Mereka kembali menjalani bulan Ramadhan tahun ini tanpa orangtua mereka. Berikan donasi untuk para pengungsi Suriah di:

  13. ha ritwittato
    10 giu
  14. 8 giu

    Sahar, 18, saw her mother, father and brother burned alive before she escaped her village in Myanmar. Together, we can make sure that no refugee is left alone this Ramadan. Donate to Rohingya refugees:

  15. 8 giu

    Sahar, 18, menyaksikan ibu, ayah dan saudara laki-lakinya dibakar hidup-hidup sebelum ia lari dari desanya di Myanmar. Di bulan Ramadhan ini, bersama-sama, kita pastikan tidak ada pengungsi yang sendirian.

  16. ha ritwittato
    7 giu

    Indonesia provides alternatives to detention through community accommodation for refugees and vulnerable asylum-seekers, but some 23% are currently detained, including 860 children.

  17. 6 giu

    Di usianya yang baru 14 tahun, Jainab mengurus adiknya Mahboob.Ibu mereka meninggal dalam perjalanan berat dari Myanmar menuju tempat yang aman.“Selama saya masih hidup, saya akan mengurus Mahboob,” ujarnya.Kirimkan donasi Anda untuk pengungsi Rohingya di:

  18. 6 giu

    At just 14 years old, Jainab is taking care of her younger brother Mahboob. Their mother died on the difficult journey from Myanmar to safety. “As long as I am alive, I will take care of Mahboob,” she said. Donate to Rohingya refugees:

  19. 6 giu

    Di bulan Ramadan ini, jangan tinggalkan satu pengungsi pun. Kepala UNHCR Filippo Grandi mengucapkan selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa kepada yang merayakan.

  20. 6 giu

    Sejumlah proyek inspiratif ramah lingkungan yang diinisiasi oleh pengungsi di berbagai belahan dunia...


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