Might want to tag @realDonaldTrump in this tweet. Because America is going down a very dangerous path.
First time ever hearing about this. I'll have to read up on it thanks for the article.
It's a good read. however I wouldn't really compare it to what is happening in America right now. Their policy is ZERO tolerance, while here we at least try and keep the families together. Splitting the families up is a last resort option according to the public safety minister.
Laws was already there but not enforced,https://twitter.com/olivermcgee/status/1008928564836749312?s=21 …
1:00 -
No law get educated!
Just a zero tolerance policy enacted by the Trump administration.
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SUSPEND THE SAFE THIRD COUNTRY AGREEMENT!!! Speak OUT on what is happening in the USA. this means nothing.
Yeah. Thats a friggin smart idea during NAFTA negotiations.
If NAFTA continues to have provisions that let foreign governments/corps sue us for passing our own laws, then NAFTA should die.
Canada's Working Class needs real support. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be exploited by the US just to line an American CEO's pockets
#cdnpoli -
The working class depends on NAFTA. Without it the middleclass will crumble.
If you think Donald Trump is going to negotiate a trade deal that will benefit Canada, you’re wrong. If you think kids are not being kept in cages, you are also wrong. There are also 20/tent in 106 degree heat, if spared the cages in old Walmart’s.
What cages? Oh you must mean the way this was handled in 2014pic.twitter.com/4wEh6UScQO
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10000 of the 12000 were NOT accompanied by a parent!
#FactsMatter - 5 more replies
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Seriously Justin? Your irregular immigrants have taken from born Canadians. Overbooked hospitals & schools, inflated costs
#propaganda I'm all for helping people, but they did not help build the Canada we know. I did, my father did & my grandfather did. You#stolemyhome thanks! -
They'll help build tomorrow's Canada just like my Dad helped build this current one.
Really?? Look around, nobody is doing anything to help Canada, more helping themselves to Canada
We're in a different time, Canada
is already built now I'm forced to watch the slow, painful destruction of it
#SaveCanada -
I look around and I see children of immigrants being very successful. The GTA is a massive economic engine with greater than 50% immigration rate. In fact of all my "successful" friends, ONE is of true cdn decent. Maybe try being less angry & more open
Ahh GTA I should have guessed. Take care.
Have a good one
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