UN GenevaAccount verificato


Official account of the United Nations Office at Geneva (). Also , , Director-General

Geneva, Switzerland
Iscritto a luglio 2010
Compleanno: 24 ottobre 1945


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  1. 7 minuti fa

    The does not tolerate or condone sexual exploitation nor abuse. ➡️ Here is how the UN is working to make zero tolerance a reality:

  2. 19 minuti fa

    migrant children policy reversal ‘fails’ thousands of youngsters already held, say UN human rights experts. This and other stories in our UN Geneva round-up: via

  3. 3 ore fa

    The next phase of the Ebola response in DRC is all about expeditionary surveillance: teams of epidemiologists fanning out over hundreds of kilometers by motorcycles through the remote rainforests via

  4. 4 ore fa

    Ready for the bin? Actually, no! Under the black peel, you’ll likely find a ripe banana that is fine to eat! Peel before you throw! Let’s respect our food. via

  5. 5 ore fa

    New data published by show that, overall, people are living better lives than they were a decade ago, but that progress to meet the has not been rapid enough. 👉 Read the new report : ...

  6. 5 ore fa

    : des centaines de milliers de civils en danger à . Le point avec d’ -

  7. 7 ore fa

    An estimated 1.7 billion (yes, billion!) children experience violence every year. It doesn't have to be this way. Sign ’s pledge to help create a safer world for children → via

  8. 8 ore fa

    "The human rights situation of the people of is dismal." New report updates on human rights violations, impact of economic & social crisis on the rights to food & health:

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  9. 8 ore fa

    "The failure to hold security forces accountable for such serious human rights violations suggests that the rule of law is virtually absent in " - watch spox Ravina Shamdasani brief press in Geneva on new report published today

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  10. ha ritwittato
    12 ore fa

    40,944 & arrived by sea to Europe in 2018. 960 dead/missing. Learn more ➡️

    , , e altri 4
  11. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    Notre événement sur la Charte des Nations Unies se déroule présentement avec Marcel A. Boisard, auteur et ancien Sous-secrétaire général des Nations Unies, et Robert Kolb, professeur de droit public international à l’Université de Genève

    , , e altri 7
  12. 10 ore fa

    👏 Who do you admire for defending or promoting human rights? 🖍️ Draw them. ➡️ We’re calling on kids to draw for human rights. 📣 Parents, siblings, teachers: spread the word! ¦ Deadline: 31 October

  13. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    “The failure to hold security forces accountable for such serious violations suggests that the rule of law is virtually absent in ” – UN Human Rights Chief :

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  14. 11 ore fa

    With 2,000+ businesses in Kakuma refugee camp, refugees are helping grow the economy & build bridges with the host community. Discover the story of Esperanza Tabisha, a fashion designer from living in Kakuma, through this web story

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  15. 13 ore fa

    The numbers are staggering. But behind the statistics are people. Each with a unique story, a unique journey, and a unique tragedy. We must not forget that. via

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  16. 15 ore fa

    Interested in working at the UN❓ The Young Professionals Programme is now open for applications until 9 August. has more details:

  17. 17 ore fa

    Almost two-thirds of the world’s children under 1 year old live in countries where fathers are not entitled by law to a single day of paid paternity leave. is calling for investment in family-friendly policies:

  18. 19 ore fa

    "We must renew our focus and shared commitment to a world free of AIDS. The pandemic is not over, but it can be. We must all do our part." --

  19. 22 ore fa

    Do you follow UN Geneva on ? Don't miss out on photo highlights and behind-the-scenes shots of the work that goes on in the Palais des Nations 🖼️

  20. 21 giu

    The United Nations is grateful to the more than one million UN peacekeepers who have served under the UN flag & to the Member States that have so generously contributed to UN operations over the past 70 years.


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