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Welcome to the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). Retweets do not mean endorsement.
IEC 29m
Join our next hangout online to meet Bas Boorsma - save the date: Monday, 27 November, 5 PM CEST/8 AM PST. Join us from your desk!
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World Bank 4h
This , is a . Watch 5th grader Nour Saleh interview on the work we are doing to help children.
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IEA 6h
Electricity networks are getting smarter, with digital infrastructure now accounting for over 10% of grid investment
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Here's how YOU can be part of the world version of 's "What About Us?" video for World Children's Day 👇👇👇 🔵 Step 1. Learn the Signature Move. 🔵 Step 2. Record and share it using the hashtag along with your wish by 3rd Dec!
IEC retweeted
We’ve teamed up w/ , & children around the 🌎 to remake “What About Us?” for
IEC 3h
Happy ! Today we look back at our work towards universal access to electricity - especially for children in rural areas:
IEC retweeted
La semana de en Barcelona se cerró en con la reunión del Grupo Asesor del Presidente del /
IEC Nov 19
'Way off the planet': regional businesses use to slash costs
IEC retweeted
UN-Water Nov 18
Happy ! Wherever you are, make it about toilets. For 4.5 billion people around the world, sanitation systems are either non-existent or ineffective. Let's get loos for our poos!
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United Nations Nov 18
For billions of people around the 🌏, sanitation systems are either non-existent or ineffective. Learn more about tackling the global sanitation crisis on Sunday's :
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World Bank Nov 18
Did you know that poor water supply, sanitation, and hygiene is one of the factors leading to childhood stunting? Watch Samira’s story on :
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UN Women Nov 18
Today is ! Let's work to reduce wastewater and ensure that every woman has access to safe & effective sanitation systems.
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United Nations Nov 18
Sunday's focuses on recycling & safe reuse of wastewater which can be affordable & sustainable source of energy, nutrients and water. More on the Day:
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It’s ! Find out where your 💩 goes:
IEC retweeted
WHO Nov 18
Today is . : More people in the world have a mobile phone than a toilet 🚽
IEC Nov 19
Happy ! Here's how our standards help you manage the water supply in a smart way:
IEC Nov 18
UTA's Emotional Living Lab to focus on robots as companions/caregivers
IEC Nov 18
could make up two-fifths of power generation by 2040, IEA claims
IEC Nov 17
Infrared polymetric sensors are becoming smaller, changing the way infrared cameras can spot oil spillages. Check out this new camera due to go into mass production next year at
IEC Nov 16
Why cities must become smarter now - check out our brochure
IEC Nov 16
Standards are part of the solution to make smart everything fully connected
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PKN_normalizacja Nov 16
Za globalną siecią powiązań muszą podążać systemy zabezpieczeń. Niezwykle ważnym elementem jest cyberbezpieczeństwo.
IEC Nov 16
A day after our Forum in , Polish Committee for Standardization are hosting their event in . Check out their live updates on Twitter
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PKN_normalizacja Nov 16
IEC retweeted
PKN_normalizacja Nov 16
Tylko aktywne uczestnictwo w normalizacji umożliwia wpływ na treść norm
IEC retweeted
PKN_normalizacja Nov 16
to nie tylko automatyka i komputery – to złożony „system systemów”
IEC retweeted
Energy4Europe Nov 14
The EU is driving the Clean : Decreasing & contributing to economic growth 1990-2016: growth⬆️by 53%, GHG⬇️by 23%
IEC Nov 16
Happy to you all. Check out our recent technology report - LVDC: electricity for the 21st century to find out more about it: . For more about our work for all types of go here:
IEC Nov 16
Don't miss event for the latest in technologies
IEC Nov 16