EPPVerified account


The European People's Party; centre-right; largest political family in Europe.Holds the Presidency of European Parliament, European Commission, European Council

Winner of #EP2014 elections
Joined November 2009


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  1. Retweeted

    In Tirana tonight to close the @pdshquiperi campaign. Supporting our family in the .

  2. 1h

    🙏for answering our poll. Europe stands for peace & stability for you. See 's answer & let's discuss more 👉

    EPP President Daul speaks about the benefits of the European Union
    EU gave us peace, stability, prosperity, freedom of movement, one currency, no roaming, says Joseph Daul
  3. Retweeted

    I attended today's Summit of in Brussels. as a member of aims to ensure strong support for by EU institutions.

  4. Retweeted
  5. 20h

    🎥 Take a glimpse into what happened at the today!

  6. Retweeted

    🇲🇩EPP will do its utmost to delay EU funding until Moldovan authorities withdraw the new electoral law

  7. Retweeted

    As pro-European political forces have increased, we must seize this momentum to prepare the Europe of tomorrow

  8. 20h

    🇦🇱 . and the Democratic Party of Albania - the way forward for

  9. Retweeted
  10. 21h

    📃Tomorrow’s Europe is prepared today Read the 's full statement 👉

  11. Retweeted

    Treffen mit beim -Gipfel in u.a. zur Eindämmung illegaler .

  12. Retweeted

    Die europ. Nationen haben nur eine gute Zukunft, wenn es Europa gut geht. Das bleibt v. . -Schweigeminute für großen Europäer

  13. 21h
  14. Retweeted
    Jun 22

    Predsednik se v Bruslju pravkar udeležuje vrha . Glavne teme junijskega vrha: migracije, varnost in obramba ter gospodarstvo.

  15. Retweeted

    Celebramos el previo a la reunión del Consejo Europeo. La victoria de partidos europeístas y moderados da estabilidad a Europa

  16. Retweeted
    Jun 22

    Good meetings with -President & Donald at -summit in Brussels.

  17. Retweeted
    Jun 22

    Видях се с на срещата на лидерите от . Разговаряхме за евроатлантическото бъдеще на Македония и региона.

  18. Retweeted

    Uoči summita susret s predsjednikom EPP-a

  19. Jun 22

    🇭🇷 Prime Minister of is attending the today ahead of

  20. Jun 22

    🇨🇿 Czech Republic’s Deputy Prime Minister is taking part in the today

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