LuQuLuQu Tribe


The official account of UNHCR's movement. Changing the narrative of Africa's forcibly displaced via everyday philanthropic actions

A world of caring & sharing
Iscritto a ottobre 2017


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  1. Tweet fissato
    9 ore fa

    We’re sooo stoked! The call was made to not only ratify the statelessness convention, but also to support the Tribe! Thanks to all of you amplifying our voice, even our governments are listening to the need to change the narrative! . .

  2. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa
  3. 9 ore fa

    Burundi children in Nduta refugee camp -Tanzania attend school under a tree. There are no text books and teachers work double shifts morning and afternoon and are not paid well. Visit to help students get quality education in the school.

  4. 15 ore fa

    Step up. - it’s more than giving, it’s a lifestyle ✊🏿

  5. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Protecting refugee children is a test of our humanity. Share our Filippo Grandi and Henrietta Fore's message. via

  6. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    16.2 million people were newly driven from their homes in 2017. That’s 44,400 each day. 1 every 2 seconds. Please join me in standing in solidarity this . new global report →

  7. 21 giu

    Bahati and Gentile are refugees from Congo. Here they are posing after a training session at Youth Centre 3 in Kakuma Refugee Camp. Please click to help them achieve their dreams of competing in the next Olympic

  8. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Watch this beautiful video to see how nicely we celebrated the in , Kenya. It was a happy day for everyone. Men, women, children, refugees and humanitarian workers came together to dance and sing for peace and better lif. We Stand Together

  9. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    We all deserve to have a place to call home. Let’s stand by our displaced brothers and sisters. ✨🙏🏿✨

  10. 20 giu

    This world refugee day we salute all those quietly doing their bit to make life as close to normal as possible for our forcibly displaced kith and kin. Thank you for standing      ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

  11. ha ritwittato

    A record 68.5 Million people were forcefully driven from their homes in 2017. That’s 44,000 people a day. ▪️ 52% are kids ▪️ 68% come from 5 countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar & Somalia Report from

    , , e altri 7
  12. 20 giu

    This world refugee day we salute all of you quietly doing your bit to make life as close to normal as possible for our forcibly displaced kith and kin. Thank you for standing      ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

  13. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    16.2 million people were newly forcibly driven from their homes in 2017. > 44,400 each day. 🗓 > 1 every 2 seconds. ⏱ Please join us in standing in solidarity this .

  14. 20 giu

    This world refugee day we salute all of you, quietly doing your bit to make life as close to normal as possible for our forcibly displaced kith and kin. Thank you for standing      ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

  15. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    68,500,000 people. 68,500,000 stories. 68,500,000 dreams. 68,500,000 journeys. 68,500,000 lives uprooted. 68,500,000 missed chances. 68,500,000 longing for home. 68,500,000 unthinkable tragedies. 68,500,000 heads full of memories. 68,500,000 were displaced at the end of 2017.

  16. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Bangladeshi camps are bursting to the seams with hundreds of thousands of displaced Rohingya who fled violence in Myanmar after an army crackdown last August.

  17. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    On this it’s possible to assist a fellow human who has been denied what you enjoy in your country , stand in the helping hand via

  18. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Be the change that is by joining via to stand

  19. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Will be performing at the I believe we can change our African story by supporting refugees

  20. ha ritwittato

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