ALDE GroupVerified account


We are the pro-European political group in the fighting for your freedom, stronger civil rights while securing economic growth and jobs 🇪🇺

Joined December 2008


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  1. 6 hours ago

    ǀ We cannot sit and wait for Maduro to wake up from his cruel delusion while people continue to suffer. The EU must act now!

  2. 6 hours ago

    In a world where Trump & Putin are undermining liberal values & reshaping the world order, we believe Europeans are

  3. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    ENTREVISTA | La comisaria Jourová habla sobre derechos de mujeres, del colectivo LGTBI, el escándalo de Facebook o el sistema judicial polaco en una entrevista exclusiva con Aquí Europa

  4. Retweeted
    Jul 5

    Europe must seek a collective response which reforms the broken Dublin system, respects international law and our European values before more people lose their lives. Otherwise the European project risks dying on the altar of nationalism and populism

  5. Retweeted

    With elected Mayor of Chisinau Andrei Nastase and former presidential candidate in Moldova Maia Sandu. The Moldovan government should stop fighting the rule of law and instead actively fight corruption. ALDE colleague Petras Austrevicius got a resolution on Moldova through EP!

    , , and 3 others
  6. Jul 5

    approved by EP | the EU will get a travel information & authorization system, similar to US, Canada and Australia

  7. Jul 5

    resolution adopted | The must demand the US to comply with rules immediately, otherwise data transfers must be suspended from 01/09 says

  8. Jul 5

    🇪🇺 🇵🇱 We stand with the Polish people! 📢 "The Polish government does not accept the views of anyone. Will it at least accept the authority of the European Court of Justice when it rules?" to Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki ⬇️

  9. Jul 4

    👊 LET’S FIGHT EARLY AND FORCED MARRIAGE. 💬 “More than 750 million young people are forced to marry or are married before the age of 18. This MUST stop.” 🎥 ’s leading MEP explains our proposals ⬇️

  10. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    Mr., you were engaged w/Solidarnosc & negotiated Polish accession.I ask you personally to turn the wheel & bring Poland back into the family of democratic nations,away from the illusion of illiberal states, back into the centre of European politics, not at its fringes

  11. Retweeted

    Happy to my American friends. Bridging the gap between the promise and the reality of America has always required hard work, this is true now more than ever 🇺🇸

  12. Jul 4

    Polish judges stand together in the fight for an independent judiciary. Those who believe in liberal democracy stand with you!

  13. Jul 4

    US taxation of EU citizens - : "The EU has to take action to ensure that our fundamental rights & values, such as the right to , the principle of non-discrimination & EU data protection rules, are respected." . More:

  14. Jul 4

    : "Citizenship Based Taxation is an unfair and unreasonable system that is only applied by two countries in the world: the US and Eritrea. The EU must protect its citizens from this US taxation overreach." says . Read more here:

  15. Jul 4

    | "Soyons fiers, avec la , d’avoir réussi à endiguer l’épidémie au Congo. Attaquons-nous maintenant aux racines du problème: la pauvreté extrême et le nécessaire perfectionnement des infrastructures de santé."

  16. Jul 4

    "Tiene que haber un fin a la dictadura y una vuelta a la democracia. La UE tiene que tomar acción ya para abordar la crisis humanitaria. Pido al Consejo que empiece ya a explorar medidas adicionales como un embargo de petróleo"

  17. Jul 4

    "Los venezolanos no huyen por una catástrofe natural, ni por una guerra como en Siria. El hambre y la miseria son una operación política del régimen de que quiere un pueblo débil al que poder controlar y chantajear" en

  18. Jul 4

    "Para reclamo lo mismo que pido para nosotros, libertad y democracia". en

  19. Retweeted
    Jul 3

    Nationalists want to seem to be tough on refugees – "not in my backyard” - but this approach won't provide comprehensive solution: The real solution to the challenge is at the European level: together and with shared responsibility!

  20. Jul 3

    "After one year of work, this is very disappointing. We will still have no checks to prevent the potential misuse of this allowance."

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