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  1. 2 ore fa
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  2. 6 ore fa
  3. 13 ore fa

    Oh! Look! It's Kirstjen Nielsen, Queen of US Children's Concentration Camps. (Kirstjen, you can and should repent and atone for your sins now, but you choose to remain a perpetrator of Human Rights Crimes against children.)

  4. 16 ore fa

    Around 500 refugees - including children - remain imprisoned by Australia on Nauru today. They have been there for over 5 years

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  5. 22 giu
  6. 22 giu

    Vigil for Fariborz Karami, 26. He committed suicide on 15 June. More blood on your hands,

  7. 22 giu

    Seeking Asylum is legal. Australia's policies are not. or

  8. 21 giu

    Hey , Trump’s jumping on bandwagon of the Australian govt’s cruelty & indefinite detention of refugees in camps. Can you help us shame them & ?

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  9. 21 giu


  10. 21 giu

    Australian govt has indefinitely trapped refugees in offshore camps incl kids. Trump is borrowing the idea. Can you cover & help us ?

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  11. 21 giu

    We need on this to amplify the story and help us shame The Australian government

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  12. 20 giu
  13. 20 giu

    On World Refugee Day, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA says: ! !

  14. 20 giu
  15. 20 giu
  16. 20 giu
  17. 19 giu

    My family is wearing today. We want to send a strong message to Canberra that seeking asylum is a human right

  18. 19 giu

    Heartbreaking to see video and photos released by US Border Patrol depicting children and parents separated and in cages. ‘Welcome to the bottom America, we’ve been waiting’ - Australia.

  19. 17 giu

    We screened our documentary "Music from Manus - 5 Days not 5 Years" in WA last night to a small but receptive group who were appalled at what our govt were doing to the refugees in offshore detention

  20. 17 giu

    Well said . How much longer will we continue to turn a blind eye to the inhumanity of what is happening on Manus & Nauru?

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