Risultati della ricerca
  1. 7 ore fa

    relations: Where does 's "continue to support Nepal’s efforts to safeguard state independence, sovereignty & territorial integrity" come in hydroelectric projects,cement factories&fruit production deals of $2.4Bn?

  2. 10 ore fa

    As our former trade allies start to find new sources for goods, we should remember that in many cases the demand won't be there when a future president fixes it. This will harm US business, industry, and ag for decades.

  3. 13 ore fa

    I did not attend due to South Africa's policy. Unacceptable if we want to join forces & liberate this continent. African borders must be open to all Africans

  4. 19 ore fa
  5. 21 giu

    These are the richest countries with the weakest

  6. 21 giu

    Prime Minister of 🇹🇯 is making a closing statement at . Conclusions drawn, final declaration adopted. A firm milestone for & inspiration for action. From our side, 🇷🇺 stands ready to share its best practices in sustainable water management!

  7. 21 giu

    Almost 4 years ago, I presented my credentials to His Majesty King Harald V. Today, I have the opportunity to say farewell and thank His Majesty for the honour and privilege of having served as Canada's Ambassador to Norway.

  8. 20 giu

    Defining a new concept is a team effort. project meeting.

  9. 20 giu

    FOTO: seminario " and in the International Crises": conclusi i lavori della sessione "University and Diplomacy Cooperation, Security and Peace". Il convegno riprenderà alle 15 in Aula magna del Rettorato.

  10. 20 giu

    FOTO: Prosegue in Aula magna del Rettorato il seminario universitario europeo " and in the International Crises". In corso la sessione del convegno "Europe and Geopolitics of the Crisis"

  11. 20 giu

    : Groom your tongue, Before grooming your hair.

  12. 19 giu

    US EDITION of KAUTILYA: UNDERSTANDING THE COLOSSAL GENIUS (Volume 1) - The most definitive book on ideas and ideals of a.k.a. for contemporary , , and by is available for preorder at

  13. 19 giu

    Thanks to State Representatives Donna Oberlander, Pam DeLissio & Bill Kortz. At State Capitol: More support for 🇺🇸 🇨🇺 relations! Is what & want, working for a better future for our two countries. – presso Pennsylvania State Capitol Building

  14. 19 giu

    Domani il DG Cooperazione e Sviluppo all'apertura del seminario universitario europeo " and in the International Crises" organizzato da e Per maggiori INFO e iscrizioni visita il sito

  15. 18 giu

    Finisce la disputa sul nome della Macedonia durata oltre 27 anni. Il nuovo nome sarà Repubblica della Macedonia del Nord

  16. 18 giu
  17. 15 giu

    20/6. Seminario universitario europeo: "University and in the International Crises". Ore 10, Aula magna del Rettorato, di .

  18. 15 giu
  19. 13 giu

    Congratulations to my colleague for being named Diplomat of the year by Magazine. You deserve it! It is an honor to sit next to you at cabinet and thank you for your ongoing support of our feminist policy. We make a great team Chrystia!

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