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International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and other situations of violence
Ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and other situations of violence


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51 days of conflict are still impacting the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in #Gaza.
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Was one of your relatives held prisoner during WWI? We've just launched a new tool that could help you find out what happened to them. Take a look here:

Data on 2 million prisoners, primarily from the Western, Romanian and Serbian Fronts have been collected during the war by the International Prisoners of War Agency, set up by the ICRC in August 1914.
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Armed clashes in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine have forced thousands of families to flee their homes. Reportedly, hundreds of thousands are now displaced both in the country and in Russia. The living conditions of the resident population are worsening also. We are stepping up activities for the affected population in deteriorating humanitarian and security environments.
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Children kidnapped and trained as soldiers, girls snatched and forced to be “wives,” entire villages reduced to ash. Between 2008 and 2011, communities in Orientale province, north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, were struck by waves of extreme violence. In villages such as Banda, people have been left severely traumatized by the atrocities they witnessed. But through drama productions, these villagers are learning to recover together. Take a look at this photo-reportage by Pierre Buingo, from our delegation in Kisangani, and freelance photographer Martin Van der Belen:
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"I've never seen such massive destruction ever before." - President Peter Maurer in Gaza

Live coverage of our president's mission in Gaza, Israel and the West Bank:
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Fighting in Yemen's Amran Governorate has left many families desperate to know what has happened to missing relatives. We are providing hospitals with vital supplies and have offered to trace missing persons. Here's the latest update on our activities:
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We just received this photo from Gaza where we're delivering stretchers, hospital beds, surgical sets, body bags and other medical supplies to health-care facilities.
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South Sudan marks its third anniversary in the shadow of violence which has left hundreds of thousands in urgent need of assistance. Around the country, we help build the resilience of conflict-affected communities with livelihood support and by improving access to clean water. We are also working to reunite families separated by conflict and other situations of violence.
South Sudan: Reaching millions affected by violence
12 Photos - View album
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In recent months, tens of thousands of people have fled fighting in Aleppo Governorate for the relative safety of the coastal cities of Lattakia and Tartous. Most people live in temporary shelters and urgently need assistance. Together with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, our teams are there providing water, food and health care. Here's our latest update on the situation:
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Very concerned by the escalation of the armed violence in Israel and Gaza. With dozens reported killed and hundreds injured, we're working closely together with the Palestine Red Crescent and Magen David Adom to help people affected by the violence. We urge all parties to the conflict to spare civilians and protect medical workers.
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