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  1. Tweet fissato
    6 ore fa

    I rarely ask for help but I’m asking now. We need to pressure the govt to reunite families NOW by using a single staging area approach. This can be solved but they need to act immediately before time and distance permanently destroys families. Please trend

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  2. 4 ore fa

    “Phony stories of sadness and grief”?!?!?!?! Why doesn’t Mr. Trump show some guts & join me for the next 5 mother client interviews I conduct about their missing children. Then we can see what he is really made of. In reality, he is weak and ignorant. Total embarrassment.

  3. 6 ore fa

    This is doable. While it is a few thousand people, that is not a lot of people to have meet in one location in an organized manner. Most conventions for instance dwarf this number. They must act now though.

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  4. All children and mothers should be immediately brought to a single staging area (stadium, convention ctr, military base, etc.) and reunited. This can be solved now if the US Govt has the will. Otherwise, the window will close. Time is of the essence and the risk is too great.

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  5. The truth: With each passing day, it becomes less likely that these families will be reunited. Time and distance is working against them. The public needs to DEMAND that these families be reunited NOW. Otherwise, we are on the verge of destroying thousands of families...

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  6. When they take your bag at the airport, they give you a bag tag so you can track it. When they take your dry cleaning, they give you a claim check. But when the US Govt strips you of your son or daughter, they give you nothing. They then proceed to lose them.

  7. We will travel this nation far & wide in an effort to locate missing children and reunite them with their mothers. Regardless of how or why they came, they deserved better from America.

  8. Here come the haters again trying to discredit me. And falsely suggesting I dropped (with whom I have an excellent relationship & who I will represent to the end!). Who attacks a guy trying to help mothers and children reunite? They must feel very threatened!

  9. Meet Samir, Levis’s six yr old boy (pic taken after we read his mother’s letter to him). For the first hour, he kept saying “not true” when we would tell him his mami loved him and she sent us to him. He asked us to take this to his mami - he said it showed a princess like her.

  10. 21 giu

    We are now representing whistleblowers within ICE, outside contractors, etc. They have reached out to us to provide us with info as to what is really going on. We are going to blow this wide open and take the info to the American people so they can decide what happens next.

  11. 21 giu

    Here is the form my client Lilian (in custody) completed this am trying to get information on her 7 yr old daughter. We are desperate to find out where she is being held before Lilian is deported without her. The response is the normal one for almost every mother I represent.

  12. 21 giu

    Looking forward to visiting detained children tmrw in Phoenix who were shipped there from Texas after being taken from their detained mothers (my clients). This will be their first "contact" with their mothers in weeks. I will be delivering letters and messages of love and hope.

  13. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    BREAKING: I just spoke to Michael Avenatti about his fight to reunite immigrant families in my new episode of The podcast. You can listen below. There is one thing he made very clear. This fight is just beginning.

  14. 20 giu

    Here is a ltr from my client Lilian, in custody, to her 7 yr old daughter Britany (in pic with mom long ago). Lilian has no idea where they took Britany and ICE will not tell her. Lilian is about to be deported without her daughter, who she fears she will never see again.

  15. 20 giu

    Here is a pic I just took at the McAllen airport of seven young boys of detained parents being transported out of the area by handlers via AA flt 5772 to DFW. Who knows where they are going from there. Sending children 1000 miles away from their parents is a disgrace.

  16. 20 giu

    We are discovering that most of our clients have had their children shipped away across many states (1,000 miles is not unusual). Some are facing deportation without their children and do not know if they will ever see them again. This is permanently destroying families.

  17. 20 giu

    Many of these mothers are devout Christians. Here is a letter written yesterday by my client Alma, who is in custody, to her 12 yr old boy Mario, who was taken from her. She has no idea where he is. At one pt, she was threatened he would be killed. This is not America.

  18. 20 giu

    I have witnessed a lot of drama, pain, and sadness in my legal career. And I have had many moments of doing everything in my power to hold myself together. I have never witnessed anything this upsetting. I will never forget. Toughest day of my career by far. Perhaps of my life.

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  19. 20 giu

    Today, we met with 12 more detained mothers one on one in CA and TX to hear their stories and agree to assist them in their efforts to find their children. The sadness and pain they are experiencing cannot be described. We will not rest until this policy is changed.

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  20. 19 giu

    “Sincerely, Your mom, your warrior”

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