Human Rights First


American ideals. Universal values. On human rights, the United States must be a beacon. RTs are not endorsements.

Washington, DC / NYC / Houston
Joined April 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 18

    Are you horrified by the news of family separations at the border? Our lawyers across the country (and in Houston specifically) are fighting back against the Trump Administration and representing asylum seeking children and families in court. Donate today!

  2. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    Family detention is NOT the fix to ending family separation. Locking up children is inhumane and puts them at risk for long-term harm.

  3. Retweeted

    Yup, the Trump administration is paying $775 per child per night after having ripped them from their parents' arms. I discuss in today's newsletter: Follow the link in it for more. Trump won't fund other child programs, but he funds child abuse.

  4. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    MUST WATCH: Our explains how Trump's new executive order has turned family separation into family incarceration. These family detention facilities are prisons.

  5. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    ANOTHER MUST WATCH: Our explains the conditions of these family detention centers. One child locked in prison with her mother said: "Mommy, can we please just die?"

  6. 7 hours ago

    ANOTHER MUST WATCH: Our explains the conditions of these family detention centers. One child locked in prison with her mother said: "Mommy, can we please just die?"

  7. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    "From family separation to family incarceration." My colleague explaining the challenges of family reunification and the reality of family detention. via

  8. 7 hours ago

    MUST WATCH: Our explains how Trump's new executive order has turned family separation into family incarceration. These family detention facilities are prisons.

  9. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    Here’s another zero tolerance program for the Trump Administration: EVERY child, EVERY baby has to be reunited with his or her parents. No excuses. Make it happen.

  10. Retweeted

    "I signed a very good executive order yesterday, but that's only limited. No matter how you cut it it leads to separation, ultimately." — Donald Trump, June 21, 2018

  11. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    1/ Imagine how adults are treated in detention, in an America where children can’t escape cruelty at the hands of ICE. No surprises, it’s horrible too. Same lack of humanity, less public outrage. This thread is for them & a call for dignity for all.

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  12. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    8-year-old separated from family expected to represent himself in immigration court: report

  13. 11 hours ago

    The Trump Administration never considered the depth of violence and terror that children and their parents are fleeing in Central America. This bill will force the administration to tell the truth about what is happening in countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

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  14. 11 hours ago

    Thank you , & for introducing the Central America Family Protection and Reunification Act to bring attention to the root causes that force people to flee. Women and children are fleeing unimaginable circumstances that must be addressed.

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  15. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    As always, 's analysis is spot-on. The EO is a vision statement: a view into the mass incarceration world the Trump administration wants to set up for families requesting asylum. The thing is, it's got big problems. /1

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  16. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    I spent today at the El Paso immigration court, where a 3-year-old boy who'd been separated from his father had his removal hearing. When the judge asked his name, he replied "es un avion!" (it's a plane!) and pointed at his picture book:

  17. Retweeted
    24 hours ago

    Chaos. Everywhere. From the government & advocates trying to house and reunite children with their parents, to federal courts dropping charges. 'I am not convinced they have a plan.' via

  18. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    If only there was an alternative to US family detention. Wait: There is one! A successful pilot program that the Trump admin shut down. Check out this statistic: “99 percent of participants successfully attended their court appearances." Thanks to for this.

  19. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    It is shockingly difficult for immigration attorneys to locate children separated from their parents at the border. Today I spoke to lawyers who represent more than 400 parents. They've located two children.

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  20. Retweeted

    Thanks to everyone who gave what they could to make an impact for those children & families who need all of our support right now.

  21. Retweeted

    Donald Trump's so-called "zero tolerance" policy, which remains in effect right now, is uniquely cruel to children and parents. I asked of to explain the differences between these practices and the policies of past administrations.


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