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has a long history of contributing to
@UN peacekeeping operations. Its troops currently serve in 10 UN missions, in locations as diverse as Darfur, Cyprus, Lebanon & Haiti. We thank them for their service & sacrifice: … Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
This week, Assistant Secretary-General Bintou Keita visited Bangui & Bambari in the Central African Republic
. She met w/ the President, govt officials,
@UN_CAR personnel,@AU_PSD partners & civil society in support of the AU-led peace process: … Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Top cops from across the globe took part in the 2nd UN Chiefs of Police Summit (
#UNCOPS) at@UN HQ this week. UNCOPS aims to build on the relationship between UN & national policing efforts, strengthening the response to transnational threats to peace & Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
As part of
@UNHaiti &@MINUJUSTH response to sexual exploitation & abuse in Haiti, NGOs like Terre des Hommes assist victims of sexual exploitation and abuse, incl. children & mothers.
#ZeroTolerance#HonouringOurValues#NoExcuse … Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
As part of
@UN plan to monitor the elections in Namibia, several countries contributed peacekeeping forces. UN peacekeepers from Finland
arrived aboard a C-5A Galaxy transport aircraft supplied by the United States of America
on 1 April
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Ministers, Chiefs of Police & police representatives charted a vision for UN Police & sought to strengthen
@UNPOL's ability to effectively prevent & address security threats. Atul Khare, Head of the Dept of Field Support, on the importance of#UNCOPS: …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Building on ongoing reform & the SG’s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative,
#UNCOPS takes stock of UN policing efforts, incl what it takes for@UNPOL to perform more effectively.@Lacroix_UN, Head of@UNPeacekeeping shares his thoughts: …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Although conflicts have declined in number, existing ones are becoming longer & more complex as armed groups compete for control over institutions, resources & territory.
@UNPOL is a cost effective & strategic asset to prevent the outbreak & resurgence of Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
The mission of the UN Chiefs of Police Summit,
#UNCOPS, is to enhance intl. peace & security by supporting Member States in conflict, post-conflict & other crisis situations. The 2nd UNCOPS Summit took place on 20 & 21 June, to strengthen effectiveness and prevention of Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Today is
#InternationalYogaDay2018 UN peacekeepers from Indiaserving w/
@UNIFIL_ hosted fellow peacekeepers & members of the local community for a group yoga session in Lebanon. The global theme for the 2018 celebration is “Yoga for Peace.”: …
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The 2nd UN Chiefs of Police Summit (
#UNCOPS) opens today at@UN HQ in New York,@LuisCarrilhoPC,@UNPOL Advisor talks to UN Media about the Summit. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
.@parfaitonanga:With the support of a united Security Council and region, we will ensure that the vision and hopes of Central Africans for lasting peace, stability and shared prosperity become a reality.
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.@parfaitonanga: The continuing attacks on humanitarians severely undermine their ability to provide assistance, with awful consequences for the population and the functioning of essential social services.
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.@parfaitonanga: In joint operations with MINUSCA in Paoua, Obo and Sibut, the FACA have helped secure new areas, reduce violence by armed groups, and address criminal activities
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The restoration of State authority throughout the entire territory of the Central African Republic remains key to stabilizing the situation and setting the country on a path to long-term stability.
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Dans cette perspective, la MINUSCA continue à travailler en étroite collaboration avec le Gouvernement pour lancer des initiatives locales de paix et de réconciliation dans de nombreuses préfectures, qui visent à réduire les menaces sécuritaires et faciliter l’accès humanitaire.
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Néanmoins, les partenaires internationaux demeurent engagés dans la stabilisation du pays, notamment à travers les efforts de l’Initiative africaine pour la paix et la réconciliation en République centrafricaine
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La situation sécuritaire volatile actuelle et les affrontements récurrents entre les groupes armés continuent d’affecter négativement le processus politique.
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.@ParfaitOnanga: J’en appelle donc au soutien continu d
#UNSC pour faire en sorte que la MINUSCA ait la capacité de répondre aux défis considérables auxquels elle fait face quotidiennementMostra questa discussioneGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
At 10am today, the Head of
@UN_CAR ,@parfait_onanga, will brief the@UN Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic. Watch live on
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