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Amnesty International - Let’s work for rights in Eastern Africa & the Great Lakes! /Agissons pour les droits humains en Afrique de l'Est et des Grands Lacs!

Iscritto a aprile 2015


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  1. Tweet fissato
    27 apr

    : The sentencing of human rights defender Germain to 32 years in prison is not only atrocious, it is ridiculously outrageous. This wrongful conviction must be overturned immediately. Germain is being punished for his human rights work.

  2. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    This , let's remind ourselves that we all have stories behind our names! We are more than just labels. Every has an individual story. See the person, not the label, because !

  3. 21 giu

    The court decision to hold our colleague TanerKilic in detention for another 6 months is disgraceful and flies in the face of justice.

  4. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Today we're waiting impatiently to see whether our colleague & human rights defender Taner Kılıç will be released. His wife & daughters have now been waiting for more than a year. must .

  5. 20 giu

    No one chooses to be a . On , let’s defend the things that unite us as human beings—like a name and a personal story— and refuse to let fear and prejudice win !

  6. ha ritwittato
    20 giu
  7. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Families belong together. Families belong together. Families belong together. Trauma & damage caused by splitting up families at the border between & is nothing short of torture. Send a message to now →

  8. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    Since the policy came into effect, more than 2,000 children have been separated from their parents or legal guardians at the US border. This is unacceptable.

  9. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    The sickening images of children cruelly separated from their parents and held in cages as a result of & ’ policy of ‘zero-tolerance’ will leave an indelible stain on USA reputation. This policy is nothing short of torture

    , , e altri 7
  10. 19 giu

    Angela was raped in front of her children. She’s among the survivors of sexual violence in 's conflict. All she wants is justice. Will heed her call and establish the Hybrid Court without delay?

  11. 18 giu

    Refugees deserve protection not deportation. should immediately halt deportations of Eritrean and Sudanese refugees and assume their fair share of responsibility for the world’s refugees

  12. 18 giu

    The international community should work together to protect people forced to flee their countries. should immediately halt deportations of Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers and assume their fair share of responsibility for the world’s refugees

  13. 18 giu

    Israel has been transferring Eritrean and Sudanese asylum-seekers to Uganda. Not only is this cruel, it is also illegal. Check out 's new report for more stories about this.

  14. 14 giu

    Happening now, at Refupoet 2018. Join the conversation.

  15. ha ritwittato

    Today is ! We continue to work to ensure that people with albinism in Malawi and across the continent are free from persecution, abuse and targeted attacks.

    , , e altri 3
  16. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    deserves better. African leaders should make good on their promises to impose punitive measures on all those responsible for grave human rights violations

  17. 12 giu

    deserves better. African leaders should make good on their promises to impose punitive measures on all those responsible for grave human rights violations.

  18. 12 giu

    The and the should move beyond empty threats, support arms embargo and impose targeted sanctions on parties to the conflict who fester human rights abuses and demonstrate their solidarity with the victims of ’s almost 5-year old war.

  19. 11 giu

    était un des militants Congolais les plus courageux et les plus accomplis. Nous pleurons son décès tragique & célébrons une vie pleine d'inspiration dans la lutte pour un Congo juste et prospère. Pensées à sa famille et aux activistes de . , Luc

  20. 11 giu

    was one of the bravest and finest young activists from the . We mourn his tragic passing. We celebrate his inspiring short-lived life spent fighting for a just and prosperous . Our thoughts are with his family & ’s activists. Rest in Power, Luc.

  21. ha ritwittato
    8 giu

    Hon. I urge you not to introduce a bill seeking the for corruption. The will not deter corruption. Please read about it here


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