Unfortunately, this is a lifeguard problem. Rule #1 - Don't let the person you are trying to save drown you.
There is enough air in the lungs of a good swimmer to save a drowning man. The strong will always save others, even at their own peril. The weak will watch and make excuses for themselves.
I have a door on my house, I choose who enters. I’m quite welcoming but I don’t let anyone in without checking who they are. We all have doors, they are there to protect the people and items of value within. Border security is the door on the house.
Yes. Refugees go through security screenings. Here's how Canada does it: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/welcome-syrian-refugees/security-health-screening.html …
My biggest problem with all of this focus on immigration is it distracts from underlying cause, extreme poverty/corruption in S/C America. If you cause some small change that improves the situation HERE, and this allows you to feel smug like you fixed the problem all up... well.
The world is so much bigger than South America. There are a lot of places with refugees.
Indeed, but you have to start somewhere. What's important is that it doesn't end at the border. Nor must we have some masterplan to fix the entire world to fix some small part of it. Focus. Most of these people come from 3 small countries. Start there.
With respect, did you read the article at the top of this thread?
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As someone who works with refugees every day (currently managing a school for teaching language) I salut you for giving your voice to this cause. Voices of reason are desperately needed these days.
Thank you!
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Great, help them in their own country then. Go volunteer, give your money, buy them things. It's awesome.
Their own countries are dangerous places. That's why they flee. If your country was a war zone, would you want to be able to leave?
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Great piece--though am I misreading the first sentence? Seems like "never" should be "always?" Or maybe delete "strange?"
Hmm. Yes. I think I started it twice and two different openings got jumbled. And the strange is wrong...
Been there; done that. :)
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Shouldn't it be enough to know that it's other people? This smacks of the statement that men should respect women because they have mothers, sisters etc... Instead of just because we are people...
Did you read the article or just the headline?
Oh sorry I thought I had included the disclaimer that I was referring specifically to the headline but I guess I left it out upon rewriting.
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Nope I enter countries through legal channels
I get that you are trolling, but read the article anyway. Maybe it will change your mind, or make you think, or just show ou another point of view.https://news.sky.com/story/we-must-help-refugees-because-simply-it-could-be-you-11410452 …
No excuse for not following laws. Not really trolling either just pointing out facts people choose to be blind too!
Ah, yes, blind obedience and ignorance of other peoples plight has never led to anything bad has it?
Ignorance of a threat entering the country has never led to plight either huh? 9/11
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