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  1. 17 giu
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    Sta sdoganando la sostituzione etnica,da tempo lo fanno , una specie di suprematismo nero per attuare il Insomma il massimo del razzismo , eugenetica e abominio. Ma è chic, quindi ok

  2. 12 ore fa
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    Generale non puoi dire così, è giusto che le squadre europee abbiano negri in squadra! Anche Nigeria e Cameroon hanno 5/6 giocatori bianchi nella rosa..ops ho sbagliato non è così, le squadre multirazziali devono essere solo quelle europee

  3. 2 minuti fa
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  4. 4 minuti fa

    All non whites have homelands but whites dont. "My race" is being CHASED DOWN with "Diversity". Its by assimilation. White self hatred is sick

  5. 5 minuti fa
  6. 2 ore fa

    que the ““ crowd 🙄

  7. 5 ore fa

    RT if you're white and refuse to have a child with another white person because you want to help contribute to the

  8. 6 ore fa
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  9. 18 ore fa
  10. 21 ore fa

    This irrationality has only one reason. (See image) There should be no fear, we will all be living together as ONE.

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  11. 21 giu

    Solo 3 europei stanno giocando nella nazionale francese per la partita di oggi contro il perù...molto triste!

  12. 21 giu

    My life and my family's life now literally depend on XRP. I can't believe the World bank is endorsing them taking our farms and propperty without compensation and putting our children and elderly on the streets to be killed.😔

  13. 21 giu
  14. 20 giu
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    La ""chiesa"" è stata una delle prime a spingere per la sostituzione etnica attraverso la Disclaimer : articolo del 2010 letto oggi PUÒ DARE BRIVIDI E PROVOCARE CRISI RELIGIOSE

  15. 20 giu
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    The Veteran isn't a tool in the population replacement plan. The immigrant is. It's simple really.

  16. 20 giu

    “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” ALBERT EINSTEIN

  17. 20 giu
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    1. Ignoring racism will not make it go away. 2. I see color, and it's beautiful. 3. There won't be a . Before it gets that far, we'll put the last few remaining from the species in a zoo to be observed and preserved so they don't go extinct.

  18. 20 giu

    Whenever I say is bad (which is admittedly often), white people swarm my mentions to claim talking about racism is worse than racism. Or that they "don't see color" (the height of privilege). Or that I am promoting (which doesn't exist). Please. Do better.

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  19. 19 giu

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