Women's Refugee Comm


Research & advocacy to improve lives and protect the rights of refugees. Facebook: Social Media Policy:

New York, DC, Geneva
Inscrit en octobre 2008

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    Don’t miss top 2 trends of 2015 Check back tmrw & Fri to see what tops the list!

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    traveled today to Presevo, the Serbian border camp near FYROM. Met dozens of refugee women and girls rushing toward safety

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  3. Why there are no women in the Syria peace talks, and why it's a problem:

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  4. afflicts Somali women-- or not. Here are the fearless women stopping it:

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    "The problem is what is done,in the name of their own masculinity,to their women,when those women are little girls"

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    NEW: TOOLKIT to engage adolescents affected by | |

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    Restrictions at Balkans borders mean vulnerable people like Nakout are stuck:

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    It's clear women's needs = an afterthought in the . Competent grassroots women's rights organizations ready to do more

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    I saw a camp where men & women share same showers & toilet. After running from war, violence & rape, women & girls cannot feel comfortable

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  10. a bright spot--country peacefully hosts 690,000 from &

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    10 déc.

    Responding 2 SRH needs adolescents in fragile environments , ,

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  12. Protection is essential "wherever children, adolescents & women are staying," ~Germany

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  13. Our gender-aware tool was just tested in . Findings on pg 16: (PDF)

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  14. Of the 4 million Syrian , 50.5% are women. Only 21.2% are males age 18-59:

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    2015 marked 2nd highest year on record for arrivals at US-Mex border:

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  16. . & Germany join forces to protect women & children .

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  17. Germany improves shelter safety for women & child & training to spot abuse:

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  18. Laila Ajjawi is empowering women in Jordan her way: through street art

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    It's cold &tough for refugees in Europe.What does that mean for women &girls? is traveling to & to find out!

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