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  2. Mar 12

    Colombia requests humanitarian channel in Venezuela, but does not allow a humanitarian channel within Colombia so that Venezuelans who do not have a passport (only national ID) can reach countries that do not require a passport to reside as Peru and Argentina,

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  3. Mar 13

    The non-deportation stands out among the measures to the Q ' Isnta the "Venezuelan refugees can not be deported, and Q conditions in Venezuela do not allow a possible return and due to the significant flow of citizens Q continue to leave to flee the crisis " From Columbia

  4. Mar 13

    Thousands of escaped to in 1960s, fled the Burnham dictatorship. Today, dozens of Venezuelans are imprisoned while crossing the while fleeing the Crisis that we are suffering. # 13Mar

  5. 7 hours ago

    reafirma que continúa siendo primer destino para los desplazados colombianos

  6. La Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados () informó que unas 220 personas se han ahogado cerca de la costa libia en los últimos días en su intento por cruzar el para llegar a .

  7. * 40 millones de personas desplazadas internas. * 25,4 millones de refugiados. * 3,1 millones de solicitantes de asilo. En total, 68,5 millones de personas forzadas a abandonar sus hogares. Cifras del nuevo informe estadístico 2017 de

  8. Jun 21

    Nadie abandona su casa sin un motivo justificado: la guerra, la persecución, el hambre... Prioricemos la protección de Solidaridad activa

  9. Jun 21

    On World Refugee Day, the president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, stated that the world has the "moral obligation" to welcome refugees and protect them.

  10. Jun 20

    A very busy spent talking about in the and the "Nobody becomes Refugee by choice; but we can all choose to help!" together with & 🙌🏾✌🏿💪🏿

  11. Jun 20

    ¡Ya arranca vs. ! Hoy es el . Irán se posiciona 5to dentro de los países que acogen más refugiados recibiendo 979.435 personas, mientras que España acoge 17.561, según el último informe de . Seguí toda la info en el !

  12. Cada minuto 20 personas en el mundo se ven forzadas a abandonarlo todo para huir de la y la persecución. Protegerlas debe ser nuestra prioridad. por una solidaridad activa

  13. Jun 20
  14. Jun 19

    advierte que cifra de refugiados en el mundo marca un nuevo récord de 25,4 millones

  15. Jun 19

    Nazi history repeats itself with the dictatorship of the United States and Donald Trump against nations without weapons power

  16. Jun 19

    En 2017 los presentaron 111.600 solicitudes de en el mundo, cifra que solo se sitúa por detrás de los afganos, sirios e iraquíes. [vt]

  17. Jun 17

    ... en Valencia "We applaud Spain for its actions today in bringing to an end a sea-rescue crisis..."

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  18. Jun 16

    A atriz e diretora Angelina Jolie foi ao Iraque pela quinta vez. Ela visitou a cidade de “West Mosul” como enviada especial : “Depois do trauma inimaginável da ocupação, eles estão tentando reconstruir suas casas com pouca ou nenhuma assistência”, disse 📸Getty

  19. Jun 13

    High level event in 15 months... GO AMERICAS!! LET’S END STATELESSNESS !!

  20. Jun 11

    I hope you soon understand that is such a big business that it should not surprise you if it goes public with an astronomic first offer. Which market will be home for ? ? ? So many famished diplomats begging for !

  21. May 28

    We are committed to supporting math learning in schools, colleges, and naturally refugee children. Any institution that would like download codes free of charge can contact us. Math for everyone.

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