Why innovation and technology aren’t the same.

Why innovation and technology aren’t the same.

Whenever we hear of the latest technology recently put on the market, or invented by brilliant scientists and techies, we immediately think of innovation. Even departments in companies or organizations usually pair the nomination innovation and technology, linking the...
10 big data science challenges facing humanitarian organizations

10 big data science challenges facing humanitarian organizations

Big data refers to the astonishing amount of information that is created as a by-product of the growing digitization of our lives – our use of mobile phones, social networks, search engines, online payment methods, apps, and so on. What is exciting for the...
Taking to the skies: displacement, drones, and maps

Taking to the skies: displacement, drones, and maps

Following massive population displacements from Nigeria and within Niger in 2015 and 2016 the UNHCR operation and partners in Niger were faced with a significant mapping challenge. At the end of July 2016, there were reportedly up to 300,000 people displaced within...
Using biometrics to bring assistance to refugees in Jordan

Using biometrics to bring assistance to refugees in Jordan

Every month, 23,000 Syrian refugee families living in Jordan look forward to receiving the same text message. It’s a simple message, no more than a few words, but it’s what alerts them to their monthly financial assistance reaching their bank accounts. Since June...
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