Título Protocolo sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados
Versión en inglés Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
Fuente ONU: Asamblea General
Fecha de publicación 31 Enero 1967
Temas Tratados / Acuerdos / Cartas / Protocolos / Convenciones / Declaraciones | Tratados / Acuerdos / Cartas / Protocolos / Convenciones / Declaraciones
Cita United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 606, p. 267
Referencia Entry into force: 4 October 1967
Otros idiomas / Archivos adjuntos Arabic | Bosnian | Chinese | Croatian | French | Georgian | German | Greek | Japanese | Kazakh | Macedonian (includes 1951 Convention) | Signatory States, Declarations and Reservations (as of 13 September 2012) | SpanishState Parties to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and/or its 1967 Protocol (As of September 2012) | Thai | Uzbek |
Citar como ONU: Asamblea General, Protocolo sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados, 31 Enero 1967, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 606, p. 267, disponible en esta dirección: https://www.refworld.org.es/docid/4c064d922.html [Accesado el 1 Octubre 2022]
Comentarios On the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the High Commissioner submitted the draft of the above-mentioned Protocol to the General Assembly of the United Nations, through the Economic and Social Council, in the addendum to his report concerning measures to extend the personal scope of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. The Economic and Social Council, in resolution 1186 (XLI) of 18 November 1966, took note with approval of the draft Protocol and transmitted the said addendum to the General Assembly. The General Assembly, in resolution 2198 (XXI) of 16 December 1966, took note of the Protocol and requested the Secretary-General "to transmit the text of the Protocol to the States mentioned in article V thereof, with a view to enabling them to accede to the Protocol."