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Will you stand HandInHand

with Rohingya refugees this Ramadan?


Will you stand HandInHand

with Rohingya refugees this Ramadan?


Safe Families
Families that need help

With your help…
We will make sure that no refugee family torn apart by war is left behind.

At just fourteen years old, Jainab is taking care of her younger brother Mahboob. Their mother died on the difficult journey from Myanmar to safety, and they were forced to simply cover her body and to keep walking. “As long as I am alive, I will take care of Mahboob”, she told us. We are doubling our efforts to help the vast number of Rohingya refugees who have lost loved ones in the war this Ramadan; where more than 16 percent of families living in the camps are headed by mothers – striving to provide for their families – while around 7,771 children, just like Jainab and Mahboob, have lost their parents.

The crisis in Myanmar saw more than 705,000 Rohingya refugees flee to Bangladesh since August 2017. We are on the ground providing food and clean water, safe shelter, and medical and psychological support to those in need.

We are devoting all of our resources to make sure that children like Jainab and Mahboob are not left to manage alone this Ramadan, but we can’t do it without your help.

We need your support in order to:
1. Tackle rising malnutrition.
2. Provide support to malnourished refugees on arrival to UNHCR protected areas.
3. Prevent and contain diseases, which can make malnutrition worse.
4. Ensure treatment for those who are malnourished.
5. Ensure that families are protected in the Longer Term.
6. Provide support for pregnant women and new mums.

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campaign_code=GUEN01BD03 Rohingya Ramadan 2018