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Open Access Government May 2018

Open Access Government May 2018 underlines a wide range of government policy issues from all around the world, including health and social care, research and innovation, EU-Africa relations, ICT, government, transport, environment and energy
Open Access Government Issue 17

Open Access Government February 2018

Open Access Government February 2018 underlines a wide range of government policy issues from all around the world, including health, science and research, ICT, transport, environment, energy, the built environment and agriculture. A selection is given below: Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Finland,...

Open Access Government November 2017

Open Access Government November 2017 looks at topics such as health, research, Blockchain, security, agriculture, and transport.

Open Access Government August 2017

Open Access Government August 2017 highlights key topics such as health and social care, research and innovation, the environment, energy, education, ICT and cyber security. A selection is detailed below: Fighting against antimicrobial resistance Antimicrobial resistance is a global problem that requires commitment to tackle it, shares EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis...

Open Access Government May 2017

Open Access Government May 2017 includes articles on key topics such as health and social care, research and innovation, as well as cyber security.

AG 013 | February 2017

Welcome to the February edition of AG. As it is the first one of 2017, I would like to wish all of our readers and contributors a very Happy New Year. 2017 has started with a bang, with the inauguration of Donald Trump in the US and the Supreme...
AG 12

AG 012 | November 2016

The end of 2016 – and what has been an eventful year – is fast approaching. In the November edition of AG, thought is given to a range of topics that have been at the forefront of policy makers’ minds in the last few months We start the edition off...

AG 011 | August 2016

Since the last edition of AG, some major changes have taken place in Europe, mainly in the UK. The result of the EU referendum meant that the UK will indeed be leaving the EU. As well as the Brexit, the UK now has a new Prime Minister. Following the...
AG 10

AG 010 | May 2016

The coming months could prove to be very important for the UK. In June voters will be heading to the polls to decide whether they want the country to remain as part of the European Union. If the result is a Brexit, this could prove tricky for a number...

AG 009 | February 2016

Welcome to the first edition of 2016. As we head into a New Year, growth and jobs remain the key priority for the European Commission – despite the European Union managing a number of crises, such as climate change. In the President’s New Year Conference, President Jean-Claude Juncker underlined his...

AG 008 | November 2015

As we head towards the end of 2015, Europe will come together next month at a crucial meeting in Paris, with the aim to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate change. This will be the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations that this...

AG 007 | August 2015

Future challenges are always at the forefront of people’s minds, and although the future sounds far away, these challenges are closer than you might think. There are a number of areas where these challenges are the most significant. This includes healthcare, the environment, the economy, and ICT. In this August...

AG 006 | May 2015

In this May edition of AG we give thought to the key policy areas in the forefront of people’s minds throughout Europe. We kick off with a Foreword from Markku Markkula, the President of the European Committee of the Regions. In his introduction to the publication, he details how...

AG 005 | February 2015

As Jean-Claude Juncker and his Commission start to settle into their role, and David Cameron and Ed Miliband prepare to go head to head in the general election in May, Europe is in for an eventful few months ahead. In this edition we give thought and highlight a number of...

AG 004 | November 2014

It’s all change for Europe this month with the new President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker starting his 5-year term with his chosen Commissioners. On November 1st the new Commissioners and Vice-presidents took to their new roles with some recognisable faces amongst the new line -up, as both Günther...
AG 3

AG 003 | August 2014

Welcome to the August edition of AG. In this summer issue, we focus on an array of topics that are high on the agenda within government. Changes are afoot within the European Commission, with a new President confirmed for the next 5 years – Jean-Claude Junker. The new President has...

AG 002 | May 2014

Welcome to the 2nd edition of AG. In this spring publication, we give thought to a number of topics that remain at the forefront of the government agenda. Throughout Europe there is consistent agreement from country to country about the importance of sustainability in our cities. Ensuring that each nation...

AG 001 | February 2014

Welcome to Adjacent Local Government where we will be examining and highlighting a host of topics of concern to our varied readership. From sustainable cities and affordable homes, through to local government pensions, we hope to inspire and create debate. The edition begins with a Foreword from the Shadow Secretary...


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