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Open Access

Open Access Government May 2018

Open Access Government May 2018 underlines a wide range of government policy issues from all around the world, including health and social care, research and innovation, EU-Africa relations, ICT, government, transport, environment and energy
Future of Europe

The future of Europe: The Euro

Eva Maydell MEP, Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) shares her interesting views on the future of Europe, focussing on its most symbolic element, the Euro

What is Bitcoin Cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin this, Blockchain that. All we ever hear about lately is cryptocurrencies and how they are going to transform the world. But what exactly is cryptocurrency and how does it work?

Latest Blockchain Innovation eBook

Blockchain Innovation

Blockchain Innovation May 2018

A very warm welcome to this exciting May 2018 Blockchain Innovation publication

Language development: Learning from what children say

Mabel L. Rice, Distinguished Professor of Advanced Studies at the University of Kansas argues that children’s utterances provide valuable clues about how their language develops and hallmark areas of grammar weaknesses in those with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)
Diabetes management

Diabetes care at the University of Salford

Dr Danny Metoo from University of Salford explains the extent of diabetes in the world today and the various courses on offer in the field.
child protection

More than 180 children are placed on child protection every day

Six classrooms worth of children are placed on child protection plans every day to keep them safe from harm, according to figured analysed by the LGA
air quality

Air matters… everywhere! Why our lungs need good quality air indoors

Isabel Proaño Gómez, Communications Manager at European Federation of Allergies and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (EFA) explains why air matters, for everybody, everywhere (H2)
energy security

Increasing Europe’s energy security

The work of Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action & Energy is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government, with a focus on his priorities for the energy sector
learner-centred learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes learner-centred learning successful

Prof Dr Wolfram Hardt and Assistant Prof Dr Tudevdagva from Chemnitz University of Technology shares their expertise on how artificial intelligence (AI) makes learner-centred learning a success
digital transformation

Digital transformation in the public sector

Peter Miller from Visionist explains the challenge of enabling digital transformation in the public sector, including progressive ways of working such as Agile
skills that employers need

Equipping people with the skills that employers need

Keith Smith, Director, Apprenticeships Group, ESFA tells us why apprenticeships are at the heart of the UK government’s ambition to equip people of all ages with the skills that employers need
carbon footprint

‘Green driving’: How to lower your carbon footprint when driving

Not sure how you can become eco-friendlier and lower your carbon footprint when your driving? Check out these top tips from mobility dealer, Lookers