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Number of results: 33

  • UNHCR has made significant progress in the construction of transitional shelters in all three camps in North West Tanzania in anticipation of the rainy season.
    highlight 10 Oct 2016 (1 year ago)
    Somalia Tanzania (United Republic of) Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • - 2,443 New Arrivals recorded so far in July 2016, averaging 111 individuals a day.
    highlight 30 Apr 2016 (2 years ago)
    Somalia Tanzania (United Republic of) Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • 1,637 inter-camp family reunification performed; including previously Unaccompanied/Separated Children and female spouses.
    highlight 30 Apr 2016 (2 years ago)
    Somalia Tanzania (United Republic of) Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • - 27,793 Burundian refugees relocated from Nyarugusu to Nduta and Mtendeli between 07-Oct-2015 and 30-Apr-2016.
    highlight 30 Apr 2016 (2 years ago)
    Somalia Tanzania (United Republic of) Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • An EXCOM donor mission from Geneva visited Uganda to gain a deeper understanding of UNHCR and partners responses to refugee influxes.
    highlight 14 Apr 2016 (2 years ago)
    Uganda Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • A total of 18,807 Burundian refugees have been received in Uganda since the onset of the influx.
    highlight 13 Jan 2016 (2 years ago)
    Uganda Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • As end of October 2015 Uganda host more than half a million refugee majority are from DR Congo, South Sudan , Somalia and Burundi .
    highlight 19 Nov 2015 (2 years ago)
    Uganda Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • The Head of Offic and the Peace Advisor in the Resident Coordinator’s Office Kampala, visited Nakivale refugee settlement.
    highlight 01 Oct 2015 (2 years ago)
    Uganda Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • A total of 921 individuals are residing at Kabazana Reception Centre.
    highlight 23 Sep 2015 (2 years ago)
    Uganda Burundi / Burundi - Refugees
  • The CERF has approved a funding request coordinated by UNHCR for the Burundi emergency response. towards protection, health, and shelter and non-food items.
    highlight 05 Aug 2015 (2 years ago)
    Uganda Burundi / Burundi - Refugees