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Number of results: 381

  • AMISOM Chief of Staff Visits Injured Troops

    news Amisom news portal, 27 Jun 2015 (2 years ago )
    Mogadishu, Somalia 27th June, 2015: The AMISOM Chief of Staff (CoS) Ambassador Epiphanie Kabushemeye on Saturday visited AMISOM soldiers admitted at the AMISOM Level 2 Hospital in Mogadishu. She also delivered a get well message from the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission...
  • Somalia attack: Al-Shabab target targets diplomat in Mogadishu

    news BBC, 24 Jun 2015 (2 years ago )
    A military vehicle escorting a United Arab Emirates' diplomatic convoy was hit by a car bomb in Somalia's capital, killing at least 12 people, police say. The UAE ambassador survived the suicide attack as he was riding in a bullet-proof land cruiser vehicle, the BBC's Mohamed Moalimu reports from...
  • Anti-Houthi forces in Yemen seize Saudi border crossing

    news Reuters, 24 Jun 2015 (2 years ago )
    Army forces loyal to Yemen's exiled president seized a border crossing with Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, officials in the area and witnesses said, dealing a rare blow to the country's dominant Houthi group. The Houthis and their allies in Yemen's army control three other crossings with the kingdom, w...
  • Four soldiers killed as Emiratis targeted in Somalia

    news Al Jazeera And Reuters, 24 Jun 2015 (2 years ago )
    A car bomb targeting a bulletproof vehicle carrying diplomats from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has killed at least 12 people, including four Somali soldiers, in Mogadishu. Local officials said that the Emiratis were unharmed. In a statement to Al Jazeera, the armed group al-Shabab claimed r...
  • Saudi Yemen bombing a message to Iran as damage mounts

    news BBC, 23 Jun 2015 (2 years ago )
    Saudi Arabia and their allies need to think again about the bombing campaign in Yemen. They are nowhere close to breaking the will of the Houthis, their main target. The Houthis started as insurgents from north Yemen. Last September, with the co-operation of the former President Ali Abdullah Sale...
  • Somalia's al-Shabab attacks military base in Mogadishu

    news Al Jazeera And Reuters, 21 Jun 2015 (3 years ago )
    Somali armed group al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for an attack on a military compound in Mogadishu where Somali intelligence officials train, claiming it killed "many intelligence forces". "We captured the building and we are fighting inside it," Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al-Shabab's mili...
  • At least 43 killed in Yemen clashes as parties prepare for talks

    news Reuters/Stringer, 10 Jun 2015 (3 years ago )
    At least 43 people were killed in heavy fighting in Yemen overnight and on Wednesday between supporters of exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the country's dominant Houthi group, residents, tribal and medical sources said. The clashes erupted ahead of U.N.-sponsored talks in Geneva next ...
  • Probe urged into attack on Spanish tourists in Yemen

    news Al Jazeera, 09 Jun 2015 (3 years ago )
    Spain's top prosecutor has asked police to investigate claims by an al-Qaeda informant that he forewarned Yemeni officials of a 2007 car bomb attack at Yemen's Balqis Temple that killed 10 people, including eight Spanish tourists. A Spanish police investigation into the claims made by Hani Muhamm...
  • Q&A: Geneva talks 'could end Yemen conflict'

    news Al Jazeera, 08 Jun 2015 (3 years ago )
    A UN conference scheduled to be held in Geneva next week could decide the fate of war-torn Yemen. Officials representing the country's rival political factions will meet on June 14 to help negotiate an end to months of fighting. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, has bee...
  • Moderate Islamist Rebels Seize Control Of Central Town

    news AMISOM daily media monitoring, 08 Jun 2015 (3 years ago )
    Somali moderate Islamist rebels have taken over the control of a town located in the Central region of the country on Sunday morning, Horseed Media reports. Dhusamareb, the capital of Galgadud region was under the control of forces loyal to the Federal government of Somalia. According to local resid...