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  1. Jun 19

    Understand that is real. This is what my parents woke up to this morning in the good ole’ Midwest.

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  2. Jun 17

    Racists in San Diego police let police dog repeatedly attack handcuffed black man -- 😭 💔 Reminder: 👇🏿

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  3. Jun 19

    Dear fellow white people, is the social & structural waters we swim in every day. Because of our socialisation we often don't see it. It doesn't have to be 'naked' or 'intended' or 'motivated' to be Racism. Even if 'subtle' or 'unintended' or 'unconscious', it is Racism.

  4. Jun 16

    Communities all over the USA must erase the against Native people painted on their school walls and printed on their products. Otherwise, children will continue to be brought up with harmful stereotypes. And the prejudices limit their respectability. Why do people wait?

  5. Jun 20

    I just wondered if the Board of Deputies had anything to say about Al Sugar's racist outburst? No? I didn't think so.

  6. People View all

  7. Jun 19

    This happened last night to a black family in my home state (Michigan) in Genesee County. Speak out against hate & vote for ppl whose actions condemn and xenophobia

  8. Jun 19
  9. Jun 20

    If you read the Alan Sugar apology tweet, it’s frightening how many people think what he did wasn’t wrong and that folk are easily offended. It was hugely fucking racist and if you can’t see that YOU’RE the problem. Step into 2018 guys, it’s not the old days.

  10. Jun 20

    Whenever I say is bad (which is admittedly often), white people swarm my mentions to claim talking about racism is worse than racism. Or that they "don't see color" (the height of privilege). Or that I am promoting (which doesn't exist). Please. Do better.

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  11. Jun 18
  12. Jun 20

    You lot in Britain need to stop overreacting to leftists throwing accusation of at anyone they don't like. Lord Sugar may have cracked a bad joke but this has nothing to do with racism. And I bet the Senegal team paid no attention to what he tweeted. Get a life!

  13. Jun 15

    Congressman is a disgrace to and the United States of America. He is on defending 's lies about , , , and the economy. Why does vote for this man? cult.

  14. 6 hours ago

    to decide if you pay for CKP based on the colour of your skin i.e. everything they've been telling us not to do.. but it's against white males so its okay..

  15. Jun 19

    On Saturday the 23rd of June I ask you to march. Not just for a , but to halt the rise of and to march for openess, tolerance, prosperity and security. Let this photo be your inspiration. RT...let's get the word out.

  16. Jun 20

    If anyone wants a great example of a hypocrite, someone that accuses / smears labour, with anti Semitism, whilst also doing his own Bernard Manning style, let’s abuse black people banter and gags on twitter, check out

  17. Jun 19
  18. Jun 18
  19. A woman was taken off a Kulula Airlines flight on Friday after allegedly calling the pilot the K-word.

  20. Jun 18

    Australia has a high level of low level

  21. Jun 19

    , , , and all members of who defend these and hate are doomed to hell. Trump married two immigrant women. Of course, they were not brown or black.

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