Humanity Strong


Patrick Bonneville, founder of Humanity Strong. We fight for human rights, justice and nature. We support NGOs and the UN. We believe in a stronger world.

Sutton and New York
Iscritto a settembre 2012


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  1. Tweet fissato
    30 nov 2016

    . The complete destruction of a World Heritage city. The killing of its citizens. It happened on our watch. This is the 21st century.

  2. ha ritwittato
    9 minuti fa
    In risposta a e

    No one is Nikki. Children being murdered by IDF in Gaza. Children being put in cages in Texas. Children still being killed in Syria. Famine and cholera in Yemen. Civilians in Iraq killed. Eleanoor Roosevelt's legacy at the UN destroyed. No one is laughing.

  3. ha ritwittato
    18 ore fa

    An E.R. physician on what it’s like to treat toddlers who have been separated from their parents at the border:

  4. ha ritwittato
    15 ore fa

    Mexican airline Volaris Airlines says it will reunite immigrant families separated by the human rights violation zero tolerance policy free of charge. This is awesome.

  5. 13 ore fa
  6. 14 ore fa
  7. ha ritwittato
    17 ore fa

    12-year-old Eulises, who is a U.S. citizen, lives in Mexico with his mother, who was deported, and travels to the U.S. every weekday to attend a public school in New Mexico

    Mostra questa discussione
  8. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa

    No matter where people are from, where they are, or what their migration status is, every single person has the right to safety & dignity. v/

  9. ha ritwittato
    20 ore fa

    Escalation in military activity in and southern has led to thousand to be displaced, some 6000 people registered though the number of IDPs is likely to be higher

  10. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    While we acknowledge the administration's response today, we continue to stress the dire urgency of the situation and demand that words be turned into swift action.

  11. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Join the fight to end trafficking and stay up-to-date on all the latest developments with our newsletter:

  12. ha ritwittato

    We are joining our friends at for , a nationwide protest and rally on June 30th. Family separation and detention must end. Will we see you there?

  13. 22 giu
  14. 22 giu

    "No other democratic government that is aware of engages in the forcible separation of asylum seeking families."

  15. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Could anyone help me see why this youngster was shot down at Gaza border?! I don't see any threat being posed to Israeli snipers on hillsides or any damage being brought to the security fence. Or ISRAEL NEEDS NO REASON TO SHOOT PALESTINIANS!

  16. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Human rights defenders in face extreme persecution and even death. This 2018, support those who are fighting for human rights.

  17. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Think about it: This president built tent cities in order to separate, cage and jail immigrant children faster than aid was provided to American citizens in Puerto Rico. Tell the to put country before party and here -

  18. 22 giu

    Other countries hostile towards human rights organizations: Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Iran. And now, thanks to , the United States of America is part of this club.

  19. 22 giu

    We must all fight for . They are the foundation of humanity. All leaders must know and understand what they are. Thank you for being the guardians of international humanitarian law.

  20. 22 giu

    Today, there are more by conflict than at any time since WWII.

  21. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Today, fighting is no longer between 2 opposing sides. Nearly half of all conflicts are fought between 3 and 9 groups. Some conflicts have hundreds. For more:


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