Blockchain Beyond the Hype

Blockchain Beyond the Hype

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published in its “White Paper” series, a “common sense and practical framework” designed to assist in understanding whether blockchain is an appropriate and helpful tool for business needs.

The desert where you call the ambulance by WhatsApp

Internet connectivity can make a huge difference to relief activities and the lives of refugees. For the men, women and children of Sayam Forage camp in Niger, who fled Boko Haram’s violence in Nigeria, the camp is now an oasis of hope surrounded by harsh, unforgiving desert.

Where refugee women learn coding

Where refugee women learn coding

Inspiring story about Syrian civil engineer Anan Jakich, refugee in Germany, who has joined a community of women newcomers rebuilding their lives through a shared love of technology.

Countdown for accelerated PRIMES roll-out starting in May

Countdown for accelerated PRIMES roll-out starting in May

To register refugees from Venezuela in Brazil, UNHCR Field teams are using a brand new application for mobile devices: Rapid Application (RApp) which allows for the rapid input of identity related data in an off-line modus.

“Rohingya Refugee Emergency at a Glance” Story Map

“Rohingya Refugee Emergency at a Glance” Story Map

The Rohingya refugee crisis is one of the largest and fastest-growing refugee crises in decades. Follow the newly produced story map outlining the dangers and risks that the Rohingya refugees are still facing.