From big data to humanitarian-in-the-loop algorithms

From big data to humanitarian-in-the-loop algorithms

The Data Revolution is no longer a new topic but a reality trying to catch up with the expectations it has generated. The private sector is investing billions in new start-ups and technology companies that can ingest the vast amounts of data generated by citizens and...
The promise of boring innovation

The promise of boring innovation

Administration is probably the first contact point anyone has in the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). In reality, everything we do has a sort of administration process linked to it. When one of us joined UNHCR in November 2007, an era that was already embracing Facebook and...
Why UNHCR is taking action on climate change displacement

Why UNHCR is taking action on climate change displacement

From her office at UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva, Erica Bower keeps track of the wildfires ravaging Santa Rosa, California. For weeks it has destroyed homes and consumed possessions, forcing thousands to flee and taking the lives of dozens of people. Most scientists...
Why there’s no innovation without experimentation

Why there’s no innovation without experimentation

“Almost any question can be answered cheaply, quickly and finally, by a test campaign. And that’s the way to answer them – not by arguments around a table.” Claude Hopkins,“Scientific Advertising” (published in 1923) Experimentation is a crucial part of innovation,...
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