Guglielmo Mangiapane


Photojournalist. Based in Palermo, Italy. Regular contributor to Reuters and LaPresse. RTs not endorsements or opinions.

Palermo, Italia
Joined June 2009


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  1. Jun 26

    BREAKING: denied entry to territorial waters and port of Valetta for resupply and crew change. No explanation provided.

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  2. Jun 21

    UPDATE: The is between the Balearic Islands & Sardinia on its way to the int'l search & rescue zone. Photo: Guglielmo Mangiapane

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  3. Jun 17

    "È inaccettabile trasferire la responsbailità dei soccorsi a Paesi come la , che non rispettano i diritti fondamentali delle persone salvate in mare" - Sophie Beau,

  4. Jun 17

    "Centinaia di migliaia di persone sono intrappolate in . Continueranno a rischiare la propria vita su imbarcazioni fragili e pericolose. Domani sarà nostro dovere salvare altre vite in mare"- Aloys Vimard, capo progetto di a bordo della nave

  5. Jun 17

    "Il diritto internazionale marittimo impone di salvare le persone in mare. Questa situazione è inaccettabile per qualunque marinaio" - Frédéric Penard, direttore delle operazioni di

  6. Jun 17

    Aloys Vimard, MSF coordinator on Aquarius: "This is not a cruise ship. It’s a search-and-rescue ship. It’s not made for people to stay more than two, three, four days. It was difficult to see a breast-feeding mother trying to feed her child while seasick."

  7. Jun 16

    "The Italian Coastguard rescued us. We were all crying as we had spent 20 hrs at sea and they calmed us down. I wonder why Italy rejected us, there must be a reason. Whatever happened is happening for a reason. God has a better plan for us. Italy rejected us but God never will.."

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  8. Jun 16

    "In they catch people and ask for money, beat you, torture you. I was sold in Bani Walid and cried for death but death did not come. I saw people shot in front of me. I had to carry bodies to the desert. One boy was still alive so I put some Libyan dinars in his pocket"

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  9. Jun 16

    "I've been in since 2016. It took me 2 weeks to cross desert from Sierra Leone to Agadez to Sabha. It was not an easy journey I saw many men fall down, people died in front of me everyday. To pass through you need strength to survive, if you don't you die" Moses

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  10. Jun 16

    : Close to 2 million people are living in and more than half of them have been displaced by the conflict. More than 80,000 people have arrived in the region in the last 2 months.

  11. Jun 14

    Stranding people at sea is an abomination. Italy and Malta flouted international maritime law and denied people on board the the right to seek asylum.

  12. Jun 12

    “Denying disembarkation to desperate people rescued at sea cannot be considered as a victory. This is the wrong response to lack of responsibility and burden sharing between EU member state” Aloys Vimard, MSF’s project coordinator on board .

  13. Jun 12

    "We spent 12 hours at sea, didn't think we'd be rescued. It was God who saved us. When I fell into the water, I thought my life was over, I was scared. I've never seen sea like this before. I didn't have a life jacket. Then you pulled me out of the water. It's why I'm here today"

  14. Jun 11

    It. Coast Guard ship CP941 will disembark 937 people in Italy: this is good, as . But why do 629 people on still have to suffer? NGOs do nothing differently to the Coast Guard. All a political stunt by at the expense of people in distress?

  15. Jun 11

    «Ci sentiamo come un’ambulanza a cui dopo un soccorso viene detto di fermarsi in strada. E stasera finiremo il cibo» - Sul l’intervista di a Alessandro Porro, soccorritore di a bordo della nave 👉

  16. Le condizioni mediche delle 629 persone a bordo sono per ora stabili ma l'inutile ritardo dello sbarco in un mette a rischio i più vulnerabili: 7 donne incinte, 15 con gravi ustioni chimiche, diversi pazienti con sindrome da annegamento e ipotermia

  17. Jun 9

    The epitome of a dressing down.

  18. Jun 6

    Check out my new piece in , based on the stories of patients treated in our clinic onboard the with .

  19. Jun 1

    UPDATE The is on its way to the assigned port of safety of Pozzallo to disembark the 158 rescued people. The children on board are helping us pass the time! 👶👧🚢

  20. Jun 1

    Joyful moments on board the today, with nine playful kids keeping the team busy! Photos: Guglielmo Mangiapane

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