
Khalil and Fatem fled their hometown of Raqqa in Syria with their infant son Mohamed in 2013. Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam

Oxfam visited Fatem and Khalil's family in Lebanon and followed them during their trip to Italy where they will be hosted as part of a humanitarian visa program. Read their story and support our work with refugees worldwide.

Add your name to the petition to call on governments to guarantee the safety of people forced to flee.

More than 65 million people worldwide have been forced to flee violence, conflict and persecution. Now is the time to stand in solidarity with them and tell world leaders that they must commit to do more for refugees and migrants. If you agree that we all deserve to live in safety, then please Stand As One and sign our petition today.

One person in three in the world lives in poverty.

Oxfam is determined to change that world by mobilizing the power of people against poverty.

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One year on: EU’s approach to migration is failing

The EU's partnership approach for working with African countries on managing migration has to date failed to provide safe and regular channels for migration or offer long-term solutions that improve the lives of people on the move.


Samia hasn’t seen her son now for two years and her daughter for 6 months. Credit: Felipe Jacome/Oxfam

Forced migration separates families - wrenching children from their parents and grandparents, separating siblings, and forcing partners to live apart. This World Refugee Day we share the letters of love written by some of these people stranded in Greece.