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Nino Fezza Jun 15
There is so much love and so much hope in the eyes of children ...
Peter Murphy Jun 18
Where did US President get his horrific idea of imprisoning ? The Australian Government has had mandatory indefinite offshore detention of (including children) in prisons on and for years.
Maleeha Lodhi 14h
Today is World Refugee Day. Pakistan still hosts the largest protracted refugee presence in the world today
Kon Karapanagiotidis Jun 18
We want the on and to know that the raised with all political parties we met with at Parliament House (we met with ALP, Greens, LNP and Independents) our grave concerns for your safety and the urgent need to be brought to safety now.
Christos Stylianides 22h
are not a threat, a statistical number or a talking point for political agendas. They are humans. With hopes. Rights. Stories of survival. 🇪🇺 focuses on people & supports their needs. Wherever they are. Whoever they are.
Nino Fezza 20h
"World Refugee Day" ... 50 million people in the world forced to flee because of wars, discrimination and violations of human rights ...they are not numbers, they are stories ...
Kishan Devani FRSA 11h
25.4 million people across the world = . 52% of them = Children. RT if you too stand
Nino Fezza Jun 15
...Syrian children are waiting for a real home ...
Nino Fezza Jun 16
Sometimes let's try and put ourselves in their shoes...
Political Pudu Jun 18
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
"Has anyone been looking at the Crime taking place south of the border. It is historic, with some countries the most dangerous places in the world." If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was an argument for exactly WHY these need asylum, Donny. 😒
Kathleen Maltzahn Jun 19
In 1963, my parents watched in the dark of a Yugoslavian night as two young Czechoslovakian doctors climbed into my parents’ sleeping bags in the back of their tiny grey Mini Minor.
Martin Kobler Jun 19
sad record: nearly 69 million worldwide!! and it’s not european countries bearing the main burden. countries like shelter the greatest number of refugees! thanks 🇵🇰 & !
James Kennedy 22h
I'm standing in solidarity with everywhere this and saying loud & clear that Refugees are welcome here! ✊ x
Islamic freedom â™» Jun 15
Syrian Child Cries When the anchor asked about his Mother. His answer Broke my Heart💔💔💔 You can Donate just $5 | to Help us lessen suffering.
Lorna Byrne 9h
Since the beginning of time we have moved around the world and so our ancestors were all refugees. We must all open our hearts to refugees and welcome them with love and compassion. How do we know that we will not be refugees in the future.
MichelleLujanGrisham 38m
Last year, there were 68.5 million displaced people, asylum seekers, and refugees fleeing violence and persecution from every region across the globe. Half of the world’s are children, many of whom do not have access to basic needs such as health care and education.
Nino Fezza Jun 15
Children are entitled to a home ...
Israel Ayongwa 10h
"Are my people slaves? So you now take them to be your dogs that you can beat and wound and maim. Break their bones and then throw a piece of meat for them to fight on. It has to end." ~ , Parliament, Dec 2, 2016.
Precision Homes 21h
An incredibly heartwarming image from Budapest's Keleti station where volunteers set up a projector for refugee children to watch Tom and Jerry cartoons. Just look at the smiles on their faces.
Baqir Khan Jun 17
It is about time we admitted that people seeking & in onshore and offshore concentration camps are political prisoners. They are being tortured by racist politicians for political power and influence. They are being used for political gain.