Ayman Gharaibeh


UNHCR Representative in Yemen

Iscritto a dicembre 2014


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  1. ha ritwittato
    7 giu

    We are extremely saddened by the tragic reports of drownings of refugees and migrants off Yemen’s shores yesterday.

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  2. ha ritwittato
    7 giu

    UNHCR is following up with its operational partners on this incident and will provide registration, counselling and assistance to those in need of international protection.

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  3. ha ritwittato
    7 giu

    UNHCR has long been warning about dangerous crossings to Yemen which have seen many individuals succumb to the risk of danger or death at sea, or on arrival in Yemen.

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  4. 1 mag

    While the debate on the ideal refugee shelter design rages on in academia, sometimes it boils down to basic economics: capital, available raw material and labour. This is context-specific Yemen contribution to the shelter debate.

  5. 21 apr

    Devestating news for all relief workers in yemen.

  6. ha ritwittato
    22 mar

    The people of Yemen are facing the world's largest humanitarian crisis

  7. 15 mar

    ماذا علمتني الحياه. تجربتي في الميدان في ربع قرن مع المساكين.

  8. 13 mar
  9. 8 feb

    نحن قلقون من عدم قدرتنا للتصدي والمساعده نظرأ لاننا دخلنا هذا العام ولم يتجاوز مستوى التمويل 3% من احتياجات المفوضيه.

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  10. 8 feb

    هذا النزوح هو نتيجه المعارك والاشتباكات عبر اليمن، وخصوصا في الساحل الغربي في الحديده وتعز.

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  11. 8 feb

    اكثر من 85000 شخص نزحو من ديارهم خلال العشرة اسابيع الماضيه في .

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  12. 8 feb

    I am particularly concerned about our capacity to respond given that we are starting 2018 with only 3% funding, and are yet to see commitments and pledges for the humanitarian response trickle through.

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  13. 8 feb

    This new displacement is a direct result of increased hostilities across , particularly on the west coast in Hudaydah and Taizz.

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  14. 8 feb

    More than 85,000 have been displaced across in the past 10 weeks. This is in addition to 2 million people who remain displaced across the country.

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  15. 15 ott 2017

    اليوم في عبس حجه لأخذ ملاحظات النازحين المستفيدين من مشروع الماؤى الاسعافي قبل المباشره بإنهاء ٢٠٠٠ ماؤى.

  16. 15 ott 2017

    Thanks to contribting govts for supporting Abs IDPs shelter project. ERC Lowcock will be visiting the site. It was supported by pooled fund.

  17. 15 ott 2017

    In Abs Hajja gov with IDP beneficiaries collecting feedback on the the shelter design before completing phase II of 2000 shelters.

  18. 20 set 2017

    اللاجئون الصوماليون يقررون العودة لوطنهم بمحض إرادتهم دون أية ضغوط، على عكس ما يحدث في مناطق أخرى من العالم

  19. 20 set 2017

    In progress to complete 1,700 of these family shelters in Hajjah for IDPs. Locally designed and built. Culturally acceptable. No branding!

  20. 20 set 2017

    Unlike refugees further afield, the decision of refugees in Yemen to return home is autonomous.

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