
March 2018


As per the IOM-led DTM report, 2.2 million IDPs and 3.6 million Returnees have been identified across the country, from January 2014 to 31st March 2018. The number of IDPs keep decreasing (from 2.6 million, end of Dec.’17 to 2.2 million, end of Mar.’18); while the numbers of returnees has increased (from 3.2 million, end of Dec.’17 to 3.6 million, end of Mar.’18).
  • 8% of the 2.2 million IDPs are in camps, while 60% are currently in private settings (in rented accommodation or with host families); 10% remain in critical shelter arrangements (unfinished/abandoned building; school/religious buildings and informal settlements) and 2% in other unspecified shelter types.
  • 97% of the returnees are in their habitual residence while 3% remains in rented accommodations and critical shelter arrangement such as informal settlements, unfinished and abandoned buildings, schools, religious structures, and in private settings.
  • Most of the highly vulnerable families, who have returned, remain in need of shelter support.

Coverage against targets


  • Out of the overall target of 1.9 million, 450,635 people have been assisted with NFI kits; 62,391 of which have also benefited from shelter interventions. The coverage for NFI kits stands at 24% of the cluster target; and the coverage for shelter stands at 3% of the cluster target. From the total reached beneficiaries:
  • 56,008 people living in camps and informal settlements have been reached with NFI kits; 31,251 of which were provided with emergency shelter interventions.
  • 50,304 highly vulnerable returnees have been reached with NFI kits; 2,345 of which were assisted with emergency repair of war damaged houses and 25,227 given with sealing-off kits.
  • 40,692 highly vulnerable people who are not covered by social protection system have been assisted with NFI kits; 3,568 of which have been assisted with emergency upgrade/repair of basic shelters.
  • In addition, 303,631 vulnerable people have been assisted with winter NFI kits.
  • Cluster partners also distributed seasonal clothing to the most vulnerable; 22,617 babies (0-1 year), 80,546 infants (2-5 years), 96,325 children (6-11 years), 36,000 adolescents (12-18 years) and 7,371 adults (over 18 years) were reached, allowing them to cope with very cold temperatures.

Gaps / challenges

  • 2018 HRP has been launch recently so the financial tracking service has not yet been updated.
  • Close field-level coordination among partners is required to avoid overlaps in emergency shelter repairs, especially in densely populated urban areas.