High Profile Supporters

Leymah Gbowee

“Nationality gives every man, woman and child an equal chance in life.”

Angelina Jolie

“Ending statelessness would right these terrible wrongs.”

eShun (Ethel Esi Eshun)

“There are at least 10 million people in the world who don’t belong to any country, and I am honored to help eradicate this man made problem.”

Pino (M. Ibrahim Ahmed)

“The stateless persons are invisible patriots in a land that saw them born. Stateless people, citizens nowhere. Let’s fight for their rights”.

Cheikh Lô

« Tout ce qu’il faut pour mettre fin à l’apatridie, c’est la volonté politique. »

Gabriela Rivadeneira

“Nationality is the gateway to all the rights we deserve and dream of. We must eradicate statelessness”

Aby Ndour

“Why a mother would not be able to pass her nationality to her child in the same way a father can? I believe in change. #IBelong”

Bideew Bou Bess

“Every child should have the right to a future and should be able to say #IBelong and #IExist.”

His Holiness Abune Mathias

“It’s sad millions are condemned to a life without a nationality. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church wholeheartedly supports the campaign, including through prayers.”

Zainab Salbi

“Millions of women across the world are suffering because they cannot say #IBelong.”

Rokia Traoré

“As a mother it seems inconceivable that I would not be able to pass my nationality on to my children. We need to make sure that all mothers and their children can say #IBelong.”

Peter Capaldi

“Statelessness is a grave injustice inflicted upon millions of innocent people. They deserve to say #IBelong.”

Louise Arbour

“Statelessness is our collective failure. We have a responsibility to ensure human beings receive the protection and benefits…”

Kathy Calvin

“I believe everyone has the right to nationality and I know Eleanor Roosevelt would agree!”

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