
Protection Working Group - Ethiopia

  Working Group Description

The Refugee Protection Working Group encompasses the Child Protection/SGBV and Urban/Kenya Borena sub working groups and operates with the overarching objective of ensuring a timely, effective and coordinated refugee protection response in Ethiopia, underpinning the broader refugee response in the country.

  Working Group Documents
  • Télécharger

    Comprehensive Level 3 Registration and BIMS Enrollment Dashboard May 2018

    An update on the ongoing level 3 registration and refugees' enrollment in the Bio-metric Information Management System (BIMS) in Nguenyyiel camp, Gambella
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 13 June 2018 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Comprehensive Level 3 Registration and BIMS Enrollment Dashboard May 2018

    An update on the level 3 registration and refugees' enrollment in the Bio-metric Information Management System (BIMS) in Addis Ababa which took place from July-November 2017
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 13 June 2018 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Comprehensive Level 3 Registration and BIMS Newsletter May 2018

    An update on the level 3 registration and refugees' enrollment in the Bio-metric Information Management System (BIMS) in Ethiopia
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 13 June 2018 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Working Group Meeting- May 2018

    Minutes of the monthly refugee Protection Working Group conducted on 8 May 2018
    Date de publication: 8 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 30 May 2018 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Ethiopia Resettlement Fact Sheet March 2018

    A regular thematic fact sheet providing sector-specific updates on quarterly basis
    Date de publication: 31 March 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 23 May 2018 (il y a 30 jours)
  • Télécharger

    South Sudan Child Protection regional framework 2018

    South Sudan Child Protection regional framework 2018
    Date de publication: 28 February 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 17 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Comprehensive Level 3 Registration and BIMS Enrollment Dashboard May 2018

    An update on the ongoing level 3 registration and refugees' enrollment in the Bio-metric Information Management System (BIMS) in Nguenyyiel camp, Gambella
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 13 June 2018 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Comprehensive Level 3 Registration and BIMS Enrollment Dashboard May 2018

    An update on the level 3 registration and refugees' enrollment in the Bio-metric Information Management System (BIMS) in Addis Ababa which took place from July-November 2017
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 13 June 2018 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Comprehensive Level 3 Registration and BIMS Newsletter May 2018

    An update on the level 3 registration and refugees' enrollment in the Bio-metric Information Management System (BIMS) in Ethiopia
    Date de publication: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 13 June 2018 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Ethiopia Resettlement Fact Sheet March 2018

    A regular thematic fact sheet providing sector-specific updates on quarterly basis
    Date de publication: 31 March 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 23 May 2018 (il y a 30 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Ethiopia Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Fact Sheet March 2018

    A regular thematic fact sheet providing sector-specific updates on quarterly basis
    Date de publication: 31 March 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Working Group Meeting- May 2018

    Minutes of the monthly refugee Protection Working Group conducted on 8 May 2018
    Date de publication: 8 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 30 May 2018 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Cluster Meeting Minutes- 29 March 2018

    Minutes of the regular Protection Cluster held on 29 March 2018
    Date de publication: 29 March 2018 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 14 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    CP/SGBV Working Group Minutes- October 2017

    Minutes of the regular refugee Child Protection/ Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Working Group meeting held in October2017
    Date de publication: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    CP/SGBV Working Group Minutes- November 2017

    Minutes of the regular refugee Child Protection/ Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Working Group held in November 2017
    Date de publication: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Cluster Meeting Minutes- 8 March 2018

    Minutes of the regular Protection Cluster held on 8 March 2018
    Date de publication: 8 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 14 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-agency Protection Field Mission Report 2016

    A report concerning the inter-agency protection field mission to the Fafen and Sitti Zones of the Somali Region to assess the situation of IDPs
    Date de publication: 21 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 21 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Mobile Protection Team Workshop Report 8-9 February 2018

    Report of a workshop for the Protection Cluster's Mobile Protection Team
    Date de publication: 9 February 2018 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 14 May 2018 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Advocacy note by Cluster Protection-Ethiopia

    An advocacy note prepared by the Protection Cluster in Ethiopia on protection response to the El Ni no-induced drought in the country
    Date de publication: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Working Group Presentation- February 2018

    A presentation by the Protection Sector Working Group, highlighting sector achievements and challenges in 2017 and priorities for 2018
    Date de publication: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 22 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Ethiopia Protection Strategy

    A strategy document meant to serve as a road map guiding UNHCR and its partners' Protection interventions focusing on the rights and needs of specific vulnerable groups, including women, children, p...
    Date de publication: 19 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 19 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Ethiopia Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Strategy

    A strategy document meant to serve as a road map guiding UNHCR and its partners' intervention in the protection and response to SGBV in and around refugee camps in Ethiopia
    Date de publication: 19 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 19 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Ethiopia Child Protection Strategy

    A strategy document prepared by UNHCR Ethiopia to serve as a road map guiding UNHCR and its partners' Child Protection activities in refugee camps
    Date de publication: 16 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 16 March 2018 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Working Group Terms of Reference

    The Terms of Reference for the Refugee Protection Working Group prepared in April 2017
    Date de publication: 30 April 2017 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 31 May 2018 (il y a 22 jours)

  • Working Group Key Contacts