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Number of results: 78

  • West Africa to fight statelessness with world’s first action plan

    news Business Day, 08 May 2017 (1 year ago )
    West Africa has become the first region in the world to adopt an action plan to end statelessness, aiming to help more than one million people without a nationality gain identity papers with new laws and better data, Reuters reports human rights experts as saying on Monday. Stateless people, sometim...
  • L’éradication de l’apatridie en Afrique de l’ouest préoccupe la CEDEAO et le HCR

    news ECOWAS/CEDEAO, 08 May 2017 (1 year ago )
    Banjul, le 7 mai 2017. Le ministre gambien de l’Intérieur, Mai Ahmad Fatty, a invité les Etats membres de la Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’ouest (Cedeao) à tout mettre en œuvre pour éradiquer l’apatridie dans l’espace communautaire. M. Fatty a lancé cet appel, ce dimanche 7 mai 201...
  • Côte d’Ivoire/International/ L’éradication de l’apatridie en Afrique de l’Ouest préoccupe la CEDEAO et le HCR

    news Agence Ivoirienne de Presse, 08 May 2017 (1 year ago )
    Abidjan, 08 mai (AIP) – Le ministre gambien de l’Intérieur, Mai Ahmad Fatty, a invité les Etats membres de la Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’ouest (CEDEAO) à tout mettre en œuvre pour éradiquer l’apatridie dans l’espace communautaire. M. Fatty a lancé cet appel, dimanche à Banjul, e...
  • Le HCR et la Cédéao autour de la table pour lutter contre l'apatridie

    news RFI, 07 May 2017 (1 year ago )
    A Banjul, à partir de ce dimanche 7 mai et jusqu'à mardi, le Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés (HCR, qui gère aussi les apatrides) et la Cédéao organisent une réunion ministérielle pour traiter le problème de l'apatridie en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le continent est fortement touché par la question de ces pe...
  • Teachers in Boko Haram-hit region trained to keep schools safe

    news Reuters, 27 Apr 2017 (1 year ago )
    By Nellie Peyton DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - School teachers in the Lake Chad region where Boko Haram is waging an insurgency are being trained to identify and respond to security threats to protect children from the Islamist group, the United Nations said on Thursday. Schools are parti...
  • Niger's Tuareg community seeks stability

    news Aljazeera, 27 Apr 2017 (1 year ago )
    Niger's Tuareg community held a festival on Tuesday to honour 22 years of peace with the government. But tribal leaders meeting in the north-western region of Tahoua warn that poverty, drought and armed groups have to be tackled to guarantee stability.
  • Diffa, cible nigérienne de Boko Haram, racontée par notre reporter, natif de la ville

    news LeMondeAfrique, 27 Apr 2017 (1 year ago )
    La région de Diffa est en proie aux attaques de la secte islamiste Boko Haram depuis février 2015. Le journaliste nigérien Seidik Abba, chroniqueur au Monde Afrique, est revenu sur les lieux de son enfance trente ans après les avoir quittés. Dans une série en cinq épisodes, entre enquête et voyage i...
  • 'Alarming' rise in use of children in 'suicide' attacks by Boko Haram in Lake Chad region – UNICEF

    news UN News Centre, 12 Apr 2017 (1 year ago )
    12 April 2017 – The use of children, particularly girls, by the Boko Haram terrorist group in violent attacks in the Lake Chad region has seen an “alarming” surge in 2017, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has reported. According to the UNICEF report, Silent Shame: Bringing out the voic...
  • 'Holistic thinking' needed for peace, development in Lake Chad region – Deputy UN chief Mohammed

    news UN News Center, 09 Mar 2017 (1 year ago )
    9 March 2017 – Highlighting the multifaceted nature of the crisis in Africa's Lake Chad Basin, the deputy United Nations chief underlined the need for a holistic approach that includes responding to the Boko Haram as well as closing the gap between humanitarian assistance and development interventio...
  • Lake Chad : 3 lessons from the Security Council visit

    news Permanent mission of France to the United Nations in New York, 08 Mar 2017 (1 year ago )
    The Security Council decided to visit the Lake Chad region because there was a flagrant gap between the many challenges that had accumulated in that region and the international community’s response, which was both piecemeal and insufficient. I believe this important mission offers three main les...