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Number of results: 78

  • Zinder, point de chute des réfugiés face à Boko Haram

    news Le Monde, 17 Feb 2015 (3 years ago )
    Selon les autorités locales, près de 10 000 personnes seraient arrivées ces derniers jours à Zinder, la deuxième ville du Niger, fuyant le conflit qui fait rage entre l'armée et Boko Haram près de la frontière avec le Nigeria. Depuis le 6 février, le groupe islamiste nigérian et ses éléments locaux ...
  • Niger lifts refugee camp ban as record numbers flee Boko Haram

    news Reuters, 27 Jan 2015 (3 years ago )
    DAKAR, Jan 26 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The Niger government has lifted a ban on refugee camps in the south of the country as record numbers flee Boko Haram attacks in neighbouring Nigeria. The government had banned the camps fearing Boko Haram fighters might use them as bases to launch atta...

    news Journal, 20 Nov 2012 (5 years ago )
    Le gouvernement du Niger à travers la Commission nationale d'éligibilité (CNE) et le HCR, ont procédé, hier matin au Palais du 29 Juillet de Niamey, au lancement officiel de l'enregistrement de niveau II des réfugiés maliens, arrivés au Niger depuis janvier dernier. C'était en présence du Secrétaire...
  • Tuareg gives up good private sector job to help Malian refugees

    news UNHCR, 25 Oct 2012 (5 years ago )
    When Malian families arrived in northern Burkina Faso earlier this year, Ahmid was struck by the number of children. He quit his job so he could help. By: Hugo Reichenberger, ed. Leo Dobbs | 25 October 2012 | Français MENTAO, Burkina Faso, October 25 (UNHCR) - When thousands of Malian fa...
  • Q&A: UNHCR coordinator for Mali crisis hopes for best, prepares for worst

    news UNHCR, 19 Oct 2012 (5 years ago )
    Valentin Tapsoba is preparing contingency plans for the Mali emergency, including the possibility of further mass displacement in the months ahead. By: Christopher Reardon, ed. Leo Dobbs | 29 October 2012 | Français
  • Valentin Tapsoba, Regional Representative for West Africa, UNHCR

    news France24, 16 Oct 2012 (5 years ago )
    As thousands of refugees flee an Islamist reign of terror in northern Mali, and with military intervention looming, the UN’s top relief coordinator for West Africa, Valentin Topsoba, speaks to Douglas Herbert about an impending humanitarian disaster. Can he persuade Western governments to provide ur...
  • Danish Red Cross visits Tabareybarey camp

    news Mission Terrain PI, 18 Sep 2012 (5 years ago )
    A delegation of the Danish Red Cross composed by Mr. Anders Ladekarl, General Secretary, Mr. Klaus Nørskov Head of the press department, Ms Isabel Lilia Morales Bondy, communication and vidéo, Mr. Niels Olsen, Goodwill Ambassador and Mr. Troëls Mikkelsen, Head of delegation of the Danish Red Cross i...
  • Inauguration of the new water supply system in Abala Refugee Camp, 13th of september

    news Mission Terain PI, 18 Sep 2012 (5 years ago )
    Local authorities, partners and UNHCR staff gathered on the 13th of september to celebrate the construction of the new system that will give the refugee population of the camp of Abala a closer, faster and safer access to water. Financed by the UNHCR, the new system cost 165 000 USD and includes...