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CCCM Update in South Sudan (28.01.2014)

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CCCM Update in South Sudan (28.01.2014)

Following the eruption of hostilities on 15 December 2013 in Juba that spread to neighboring states, it is estimated that about 646,500 people are currently displaced in South Sudan. Although the most well-known IDP locations are those located in UNMISS Protection of Civilians (POC) areas, there is a significant number of displaced persons in collective centers, spontaneous settlements and with host families.
Given the need to coordinate the provision of protection, assistance and the management of the POC areas and other displacement sites, the Humanitarian Country Team activated the CCCM Cluster on 25 December 2013 with UNHCR and IOM taking co-leadership roles and serving as provider of last resort, as part of their global cluster mandate. Within the framework of the cluster system in South Sudan, the NGO Forum is represented in each cluster as a co-lead to support coordination and to represent the interest of NGOs without the provider of last resort commitment. ACTED is the designated NGO Co-Lead representative for the CCCM Cluster.
The CCCM Cluster supports the overall coordination of humanitarian services in IDP sites, taking a holistic approach to upholding basic human rights, meeting the needs of the site population, and improving living conditions for IDPs. Specific activities undertaken by the CCCM Cluster in South Sudan include coordination of service delivery within IDP sites, site planning, site setup and improvement (including facilitating site expansion/relocation efforts to avoid over-congestion), and IDP registration. To date, 93,679 displaced persons have been registered across the country. 
For more information on the CCCM Cluster structure in South Sudan, please see