National Cluster

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Shelter Cluster as a Forum

The Shelter Cluster (SC) Somalia consists of a National Shelter Cluster, Regional Shelter Clusters and thematic Working Groups. At the National level, the SC consists of a Secretariat, a Cluster Review Committee (CRC), a Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) and a Sustainable Shelter Solutions Working Group.

The Shelter Cluster uses a mailing list to ensure that specific information is shared with the respective persons. You can subscribe for the following mails: General mails, Working Group mails, Regional mails, M&E Framework mails and HLP mails (Housing, Land and Property). Please contact the Shelter Cluster through to get on any mailing list.

Shelter Cluster Objectives

The key objective of the Shelter/NFI Cluster is to enhance the coordination and effectiveness of provision of shelter/NFI assistance. Precisely, the Shelter Cluster will be responsible to facilitate and guide the following actions:

·         Planning and Strategy development

·         Coordinating and supporting service delivery

·         Informing strategic decision making

·         Advocacy and resource mobilization

·         Monitoring and Reporting

·         Capacity building and emergency preparedness​

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