Towards a global compact on refugees: written contributions

To facilitate the broadest possible participation in the process leading to the global compact on refugees, United Nations Member States and all other stakeholders are welcome to submit written contributions to UNHCR for posting on this page.

Guidelines for those wishing to submit a written contribution are contained at the bottom of this page. Written contributions are welcome at any stage in the process leading to the development of the global compact on refugees, namely the thematic discussions, the tenth annual High Commissioner's Dialogue and the formal consultations.

Visit the French-language webpage on written contributions.

Written contributions received

The views expressed in the below contributions remain those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNHCR or the United Nations.

In addition, UNHCR has also received a video contribution from its Youth Advisory Council.

Guidelines for contributions

Anyone is welcome to submit a written contribution by email to, preferably in PDF format, provided that the body of the email includes the following information:

  1. The title of the contribution. (If you envisage making multiple written contributions over the course of the process leading to the development of the global compact on refugees, we recommend that you choose a title for each contribution that reflects the meeting to which it applies and/or the topics that it addresses.)
  2. The name of the government(s), organization(s) and/or individual(s) to whom the written contribution may be attributed. Contributions from governments or organizations should be submitted using an official email address wherever possible.
  3. A statement to the effect that the government(s), organization(s) and/or individual(s) making the written contribution consent to it being posted online.

UNHCR reserves the right to decline to post any written contribution that does not comply with the above three requirements, that does not appear to have been authored by the individual or organization to whom it has been attributed, or that is not submitted in the spirit of UNHCR’s core values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.