
'You are dealing with people who are not giving up, so why should you?'

UNHCR has nearly 11,000 staff, most of whom are based in the field. Meet Ayman Gharaibeh, who leads our work in Yemen.

13 Mar 2018

Congo dance project helps refugees take steps towards rebuilding lives

Congolese choreographer Fabrice Don de Dieu Bwabulamutima believes in the healing power of dance.

12 Mar 2018

Shaped by Syria's war, 7-year-old finds new path in exile

Born at the outbreak of Syria's seven-year conflict, Mohammad lost his home and more to the war before a specialist school in Lebanon offered fresh hope.

9 Mar 2018

Yorkshire grit: the women uniting for change in Halifax

Against the odds, Veeca Smith Uka and Florence Kahuro are creating a space of safety and support for asylum-seekers in West Yorkshire.

9 Mar 2018

Volker Türk explains thinking behind plans for global refugee compact

UNHCR protection head details how a new deal for refugees will help both refugees and host communities

8 Mar 2018

Rohingya refugee women stitch new lives in Bangladesh

A sewing project helps women financially and gives them a new sense of pride.

7 Mar 2018

Learning together forges friendships between Rwandan and Burundian students

The Paysannat L School brings refugee and local children together in classrooms.

6 Mar 2018

School offers Syrian girls in Jordan the chance to flourish

Syrian refugee Izdihar's education was at risk until her father found work, allowing her to join other Syrian girls enrolled in school in Jordan.

6 Mar 2018

Displaced Colombian women fight sex abuse

The Life Weavers Women's Alliance helps displaced Colombian women and girls overcome rape and sex abuse, and seek justice through the courts.

5 Mar 2018