
More than 1 million people have become internally displaced in Somalia since November 2016 as a result of drought and conflict adding to an existing estimated caseload of more than 1.5 million - the 2018 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan estimates the total IDP population at around 2.1 million at 31 October 2018. * IDPs are mainly leaving rural areas and moving towards urban centres in search of livelihood opportunities and humanitarian assistance. The increased displacement also adds to the high number of forced evictions of IDPs and the urban poor from major towns like Mogadishu and Kismayo. * Most IDPs have self-settled in sub-standard IDP sites and are repeatedly identified as the poorest and most vulnerable, often with limited local acceptance due to their social background. As such they are in greatest need of CCCM services in order to reduce barriers to assistance, ensure equitable delivery of services, enhance the accountability to affected populations, and strengthen community engagement, participation and empowerment towards self-determination. * The CCCM cluster, co-lead by IOM and UNHCR was activated in May 2017. Through its 3 main objectives, the cluster and its partners aim at improving living conditions in sites and access to basic services.
Estimated number of IDPs at sites assessed by CCCM (in 22 districts)

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Estimated IDPs at sites assessed by CCCM (in 22 districts) JSON 

DSA - Detailed Site Assessment is an inter-cluster/inter-agency initiative led by the CCCM cluster to gather information on all sites in Somalia
Last updated 12 Jan 2018
Source - UNHCR 

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    CCCM Somalia Cluster Dashboard May 2018

    Among other activities in May, CCCM Cluster coordinators participated in DOCC flood assessments to Beletwayne, Jowhar and Jalalaqsi which have been severely affected by flooding. CCCM activities will ...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    CCCM Cluster Somalia - IDP sites affected by floods in Baidoa

    A joint site assessment was conducted in Baidoa on 17-19 April 2018 to identify the extent of flooding in IDP settlements. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included participants from The Mi...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    CCCM Cluster Somalia - IDP sites affected by floods in Kismayo

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    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    This factsheet presents the comparative analysis of the severity of needs in the assessed IDP sites, aggregated to the district level. The severity ranking aims to support the humanitarian actors in ...
    Published: 29 May 2018 (23 days ago)
    Uploaded: 30 May 2018 (21 days ago)
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    IDP sites in Baidoa - Site Verification - May 2018

    A joint site verification exercise was conducted in Baidoa on 06-08 May 2018. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included 39 participants from 3 government ministries, 5 INGOs, 3 NGOs, and 2 ...
    Published: 16 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 16 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    Somalia CCCM Cluster Dashboard April 2018

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    Published: 14 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 14 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    Published: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    DSA (Detailed Site Assessment) - this inter cluster and inter agency initiative aims at strengthening the predictability and effectiveness of multi sectorial interventions at site level and/or areas ...
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    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    A joint site assessment was conducted in Kismayo on 3-5 June 2018 to identify the extent of flooding in IDP settlements. The assessment was led by CCCM partners, and included JRIA participants from th...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    CCCM Somalia Cluster Dashboard May 2018

    Among other activities in May, CCCM Cluster coordinators participated in DOCC flood assessments to Beletwayne, Jowhar and Jalalaqsi which have been severely affected by flooding. CCCM activities will ...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    A joint site assessment was conducted in Baidoa on 17-19 April 2018 to identify the extent of flooding in IDP settlements. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included participants from The Mi...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    A joint site assessment was conducted in Kismayo on 3-5 June 2018 to identify the extent of flooding in IDP settlements. The assessment was led by CCCM partners, and included JRIA participants from th...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    This factsheet presents the comparative analysis of the severity of needs in the assessed IDP sites, aggregated to the district level. The severity ranking aims to support the humanitarian actors in ...
    Published: 29 May 2018 (23 days ago)
    Uploaded: 30 May 2018 (21 days ago)
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    IDP sites in Baidoa - Site Verification - May 2018

    A joint site verification exercise was conducted in Baidoa on 06-08 May 2018. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included 39 participants from 3 government ministries, 5 INGOs, 3 NGOs, and 2 ...
    Published: 16 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 16 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    Somalia CCCM Cluster Dashboard April 2018

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    Published: 14 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 14 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    CCCM Cluster Somalia - Kismayo IDP Sites - April 2018

    A joint site verification exercise was conducted in Kismayo on 22-23 January 2018. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included 52 participants from 4 government offices, 9 NGOs, and 1 UN agen...
    Published: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    Published: 21 March 2018 (3 months ago)
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    Published: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
  • CCCM Cluster Somalia DSA (Detailed Site Assessment) - March 2018

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    Published: 2 April 2018 (2 months ago)
    Uploaded: 17 April 2018 (2 months ago)
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    Uploaded: 31 January 2018 (4 months ago)
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    Published: 30 January 2018 (4 months ago)
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    Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018
    Published: 17 January 2018 (5 months ago)
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    2018 Strategic Objectives and Proposed Activity Set

    CCCM Cluster Somalia 2018 Strategic Objectives and Proposed Activity Set
    Published: 1 December 2017 (6 months ago)
    Uploaded: 22 January 2018 (4 months ago)
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    Published: 1 August 2017 (10 months ago)
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    A joint site assessment was conducted in Baidoa on 17-19 April 2018 to identify the extent of flooding in IDP settlements. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included participants from The Mi...
    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
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    Published: 12 June 2018 (9 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 June 2018 (8 days ago)
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    A joint site verification exercise was conducted in Baidoa on 06-08 May 2018. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included 39 participants from 3 government ministries, 5 INGOs, 3 NGOs, and 2 ...
    Published: 16 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 16 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    CCCM Cluster Somalia - Kismayo IDP Sites - April 2018

    A joint site verification exercise was conducted in Kismayo on 22-23 January 2018. The operation was led by CCCM partners, and included 52 participants from 4 government offices, 9 NGOs, and 1 UN agen...
    Published: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 8 May 2018 (1 month ago)
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    Published: 19 March 2018 (3 months ago)
    Uploaded: 21 March 2018 (3 months ago)
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    Published: 6 March 2018 (3 months ago)
    Uploaded: 6 March 2018 (3 months ago)
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    Published: 28 February 2018 (3 months ago)
    Uploaded: 28 February 2018 (3 months ago)
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    Published: 24 January 2018 (4 months ago)
    Uploaded: 14 February 2018 (4 months ago)
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    Published: 14 December 2017 (6 months ago)
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    Published: 1 December 2017 (6 months ago)
    Uploaded: 22 January 2018 (4 months ago)
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    Humanitarian Response Plan 2018

    Humanitarian Response Plan 2018
    Published: 17 January 2018 (5 months ago)
    Uploaded: 29 January 2018 (4 months ago)
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    Published: 1 July 2017 (11 months ago)
    Uploaded: 27 September 2017 (8 months ago)
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    CCCM Cluster Somalia TORs
    Published: 29 January 2018 (4 months ago)
    Uploaded: 29 January 2018 (4 months ago)
  • Highlights

    Loading CCCM Cluster Somalia 2018 Strategic Objectives and Proposed Activity Set

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    Contact information
    Full Name Position Email Address Phone Number
    Kathryn Ziga (IOM) Cluster Co-Coordinator +252 612470024
    Ilyas Muhammad (UNHCR) Cluster Co-Coordinator +252 612 901 381
    Daniel Kuria Information Management +252 613 205 296
    Garowe Service Mapping February-March 2018
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    REACH Resource Centre | Somalia
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    CCCM Somalia | Detailed Site Assessment
    Site profiles provide humanitarian actors essential information on population and on services at site level to improve humanitarian assistance in IDP sites.
    Global CCCM Cluster
    Global CCCM Cluster Website
    Global Protection Cluster | Somalia
    Global Protection Cluster | Somalia
    Protection & Return Monitoring Network (PRMN)
    Trends of origins and arrival points of displacements over 2016-2017
    Somalia | HumanitarianResponse
    Humanitarian Response Website
    Somalia | Shelter Cluster
    Somalia | Shelter Cluster
    IDP sites in Somalia - Luuq