Where required, UNHCR and WASH actors should work together to develop a country level refugee WASH strategy document that clearly describes the refugee context and the baseline WASH situation, along with short, medium and long-term strategies for each of the WASH sub-sectors. This template can be used to help produce a short and concise Country level WASH Strategy. It includes a phased approach, HR requirements and site-level Operational Plans.
WASH Country Strategy / Operational Plans Template

WASH Nutrition

A practical guidebook on increasing nutritional impact through integration of WASH and Nutrition programmes. It is meant for practitioners in humanitarian and development contexts.
- Locations: Asia and the Pacific, Central Asia, Europe, Middle East, and South-West Asia. Organisations: ACF and UNICEF.
UNHCR WASH MANUAL: Programme Guidance

The UNHCR WASH Manual: Programme Guidance, provides practical guidance for WASH programmes in refugee settings.
OG804/2016a Cash Based Interventions for WASH Programmes in Refugee Settings (UNHCR, 2016)

This report is based on a desk-based review of secondary data, comprising published material as well as grey literature, supplemented with key informant interviews for programmes that lacked documentation. Section One summarises the current use of CBI in WASH programming. Section Two summarises the best practices and lessons learned including challenges faced, drawing on evidence from the project examples found. Section Three provides recommendations and best practice guidance for use of CBI in refugee settings. Section Four details existing tools and guidance.
- Tags: CASH Interventions and CASH Interventions.
F-105/2015a Site Level Refugee WASH Operational Plan Template (UNHCR, 2015)

This template can be used to help UNHCR and WASH actors establish a simple WASH operational plan (WHO will do WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and HOW and WHO will PAY and WHO will MONITOR). This template can be used in addition to the site level WASH Strategy Template.
UNHCR Global Strategy for Public Health 2014 – 2018 (UNHCR, 2014)

This document describes UNHCR’s global strategy for public health through a set of guiding principles and strategic approaches including protection; age, gender and diversity; equity; access; sustainability; community empowerment; appropriateness and reliability; partnerships and coordination; capacity building; communication and advocacy; integrated approaches; measurement and monitoring; and innovation. The document describes strategic objectives and enabling actions per sub-sector (Public Health, HIV and Reproductive Health, Food Security and Nutrition, and WASH).
- Tags: Capacity Building, Capacity Building, Capacity Building, Capacity Building, Gender, Gender, Gender Based Violence, Gender Based Violence, Human Right to Water / Sanitation, Human Right to Water / Sanitation, Human Right to Water / Sanitation, Protection, Protection, Protection, and Public Health. Categories: WASH Guidelines and WASH Guidelines.
UNHCR Refugee WASH Standards and Indicators (UNHCR, 2018)

A summary of UNHCR water, excreta management, solid waste management, disease vector control and hygiene promotion standards and indicators for emergency and post emergency refugee settings including means of verification.
- Tags: Disease Vector Control, Disease Vector Control, Drainage, Excreta Management, Excreta Management, Excreta Management, Handwashing with Soap, Hygiene Promotion, Hygiene Promotion, Hygiene Promotion, Solid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, and Water Quality Testing and Surveillance. Categories: WASH Indicators and Standards.
Costing Water Services in Refugee Camps (IRC and UNHCR, 2015)

This report applies the life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) to the provision of water services in two UN refugee camps, Bambasi in Ethiopia and Kounoungou in Chad. It is based on cost data from financial reports in Geneva and both camps and on service-level data collected through the UNHCR monitoring system and on site through water point surveys.
The purpose of the study was (1) to better understand the structure, magnitude and drivers of the cost of providing a targeted level of water service to refugees, and (2) to reflect on the applicability of LCCA in the UNHCR monitoring framework and the potential for implementing it in systematically.
- Tags: Value for Money, Value for Money, and Value for Money. Locations: Africa, Africa, Bambasi, Chad, East and Horn of Africa, Ethiopia, Kounoungou, and Sudan and Chad Special Operational Region. Organisations: IRC (International Water and Sanitation Centre). Categories: WASH Research Documents and WASH Research Documents.
F-104/2015a UNHCR Site Level Refugee WASH Strategy Template (UNHCR, 2015)

Where required, UNHCR and WASH actors should work together to develop a site level refugee WASH strategy document that clearly describes the refugee context, the baseline WASH situation, WASH coverage, WASH gaps, along with short (6 months), medium (6 months – 5 years) and long-term (>5 years) strategies for each of the WASH sub-sectors and the twelve (12) WASH principles. This template can be used to help produce the site level WASH Strategy.
F-101/2015a UNHCR WASH Universal Access Checklist (UNHCR, 2015)

This document has been designed to help UNHCR and WASH actors assess WASH infrastructure for potential access from the individual perspective of each type of vulnerable user in particular persons with disabilities, women, children, and the elderly.
- Tags: Bathing Facilities, Bathing Facilities, Communal Toilets, Cross Cutting, Cross Cutting, Cross Cutting, Cross Cutting, Cross Cutting, Cross Cutting, Disability, Disability, Laundering Facilities, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Programme Management, WASH Programme Management, WASH Programme Management, WASH Programme Management, WASH Programme Management, Water Supply, Water Supply, Water Supply, and Water Supply. Languages: English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, and English. Organisations: UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, and UNHCR. Categories: WASH Blank Forms, WASH Blank Forms, WASH Blank Forms, WASH Operational Guidelines, WASH Operational Guidelines, WASH Operational Guidelines, WASH Operational Guidelines, WASH Operational Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, and WASH Reference Documents.