Have you done yours?
The Inter Agency Standing Committee E-learning - Different Needs Equal Opportunities is a free online course to increase effectiveness of humanitarian action for women, girls, boys and men, of all ages.
Undertaking this introductory training on gender in humanitarian action, is part of an ongoing effort by CCCM Cluster to strengthen its commitment to the promotion of gender equality.
This training helps humanitarian workers to understand the basic steps they must take to ensure gender equality concerns are mainstreamed in all humanitarian action. It includes information on the core issues of gender and how it relates to other aspects of humanitarian response in all clusters/sectors, and provides information and scenarios which will enable you to practice developing gender-sensitive programming. It takes approximately three hours to complete the E-learning, however it is self-paced and can be paused and completed over several days.
The training, available in English and French, can be accessed online at http://www.iasc-elearning.org/home/ or on https://humanitarianresponse.info/topics/gender/page/training .
Have you done yours?
Look for #haveyoudoneyours on our Twitter account next week and show us your certificate!