Say hello to your new website

Over 100 ready-to-launch websites to choose from — free until you go live, then only $4 per month

Try it now for free

Website building redefined

Pick a beautiful website - add your content - launch!

Build using blocks

No need to start from scratch - each website comes with pre-designed blocks that are loaded with great content. If you need more, just add from our library. We have blocks with different combinations of text, images, buttons and more. You don't need to be a designer to create a beautiful website!

Build using blocks

As simple as filling in a form

Your website is easy to customize: simply edit the blocks by filling in a few fields and replacing images. You'll see it take shape in real time.

We've thought about the technical complexity, so you don't have to


Focus on what's important

"Envato sites is perfect for small business owners who want a great-looking, easy-to-use website without the hassle of or expense of design and development. And because it takes only seconds to update, I can focus on more important things!"

Alison Michalk – Audrey & Co. Alison Michalk – Audrey & Co.

Free until you're ready to go live

Try Envato Sites for free to see if it's for you. If you love it, you'll pay only $4 per month for each website you launch

All Envato Sites websites include

  • Responsive design

    Your website adapts to different screen sizes so it looks great on any device

  • Fast and reliable hosting

    We use lightning fast cloud hosting to ensure speed and availability – you don't even have to think about it!

  • As many pages as you need

    We let you add as many pages as you need to your website at no extra cost

  • Personalised support

    Got questions? We offer personalised support and guidance to help you build your best website

Monthly subscription

$4 USD

Starting a monthly subscription enables the following features to enable you to launch your website

  • Built-in domain

    For testing and sharing your website with friends and coworkers

  • Custom domain names

    Bring your own custom domain name from a third party domain registrar

  • Your site live on the web

    Once your custom domain name is connected, your site is live on the web

Start creating your website today

No credit card required