Refugees and asylum seekers are required to report travels abroad through the MJ website

The Ministry of Justice issued a statement announcing new procedures for reporting travel abroad for refugees and asylum seekers. Stay tuned.

Refugees and asylum seekers are required to report travels abroad through the MJ website

The procedure, which was done previously by e-mail, aims at greater security in communication

Brasília, 25/1/18 – Communication and authorization procedures for international travel of refugees and asylum seekers have been updated. What used to be done via e-mail, now is made through the page of the Ministry of Justice, via electronic protocol.

Access the forms for:

International travel communications (for asylum seekers)

International travel authorization (for recognized refugees)

The change brings greater security since some emails did not arrive and no protocol number was generated for follow-up. Now, both the refugees and the analysts of the National Committee for Refugees (Conare), can follow the process through the website, with a single protocol number.

Travel communication is necessary for refugee applicants who wish to leave the national territory during the procedure of the request for refuge procedure.

The travel authorization is mandatory in cases of travel to the country of origin, travel to any destination with a duration of more than 12 months and travel using the passport of the country of origin as a travel document for refugees already recognized in Brazil.

The request for travel authorization must be completed at least 60 days prior to the scheduled travel date. The applicant must wait for Conare’s decision to travel in the situations described above.

Refugee applicants may leave Brazil once, for a period not exceeding 90 days, under penalty of filing the refugee status recognition process.

Recognized refugees, by virtue of the provisions of item IV of art. 39 of Law 9.474/97, can only leave the country after Conare’s authorization, under penalty of loss of refugee status.