CCCM promotes the capacity-building of relevant authorities in Suleymaniah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)
From September 14th to 16th , the CCCM Cluster in Iraq is implementing a CCCM training that gathers 26 people (21 people from Government, 3 from REACH local NGO and 2 from IRC) in Suleymaniah- Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The aim of this training is to build CCCM capacity for Camp Authorities. This training gathers Camp Managers, Camp Manager Assistants and Community Mobilizers from Qorato, Ashti, Arbat, Tazade IDP camps, 3 Camp Advisor from REACH and 2 people from Arbat Refugee Camp.
CCCM in Iraq provides appropriate support to national authorities, through capacity development. This training is conducted in English and simultaneously translated into Kurdish using the CCCM training materials, reinforcing the primary role of the government to provide assistance to and protection of displaced people based on Humanitarian Standards. Some other modules like Participation of the camp population, besides other modules like, Roles and Responsibilities, Protection in action, Coordination, Information in action, care and maintance of the camp are implemented during these days