Melissa FlemingAccount verificato


Chief Communications . Tweets highlight stories of human suffering & resilience I witness every day. Author:

Geneva, Switzerland
Iscritto a settembre 2008


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  1. Tweet fissato
    19 giu
  2. 3 ore fa

    A record-high 75% of Americans, including majorities of all party groups, think immigration is a good thing for the U.S. -- up slightly from 71% last year. Just 19% of the public considers immigration a bad thing.

  3. 3 ore fa

    The latest fatalities in the Central Mediterranean have pushed the death toll on this route to over 1,000 so far this year. 1000 deaths too many. via

  4. 3 ore fa

    An analysis of 30 years of data from 15 countries in Europe finds that a few years following a spike in migration, host nations’ economies improve & unemployment rates drop, discrediting the notion that migrants & refugees are a financial burden.

  5. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    The world’s refugees need all the help they can get. Here are seven ways that businesses can support them. By via :

  6. The coast of Libya once again became a deadly trap for over 220 people who were escaping the horrors of war, the scourge of poverty or the hopelessness of detention. Mourning them.

  7. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    There are so many people i have met in refugee camps that inspire me still. I believe it is our duty to fight for the rights of innocent people who have had to flee their homes. I am lucky that i can try to help 💙

  8. 20 giu

    NIAMEY, Niger - “One of the poorest countries is also one of the most generous.” - ⁦

  9. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    How can we counter xenophobic narratives to help refugees? UN Filippo Grandi​ + discuss a more powerful narrative - one of solidarity, respect and generosity.

  10. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Today is World Refugee Day. Tweet to tell the world you stand

  11. 20 giu
  12. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Thank you to the Mayors of more than 50 cities around the world who joined our Cities Initiative, this !

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  13. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Even if all stories are different there is always something in common within them: an unfair fate urging them to risk their lives in search of safety My piece for on 2017

  14. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    What would you do if you were forced from your home? Last year, this unthinkable situation happened to someone every two seconds. On World Refugee Day and every day, we stand

  15. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    🎥Last night flew with 122 refugees on a UNHCR life-saving evacuation flight from Libya to Niger. Watch it on Media: 🔗 Here is a short preview.

  16. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    A person's dignity does not depend on them being a citizen, a migrant, or a refugee. Saving the life of someone fleeing war and poverty is an act of humanity.

  17. 20 giu

    No child should have to go through the separation, trauma and abuse these refugee boys faced when they they fled alone in search of a safe future.

  18. 20 giu

    Find out why refugee children must be protected. & appeal on

  19. 20 giu

    Neil Gaiman, has written a beautiful tribute to refugees and a powerful appeal to the humanity on this Please read and share widely:

  20. 20 giu

    Ammy can finally talk to her two teenagers daughters in Eritrea. "I called them for the first time after 10 months, they thought I was dead."

  21. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    On we remember that protecting people fleeing persecution, violence and war is a basic act of humanity shared by all cultures and enshrined in international law.


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